Prediction for the week of September 30 – October 06, 2012
The profound changes this week can bring in the release of old programs, can only come if you allow yourself to awaken to the blissful enjoyment of the gifts of the moment. Master your fear through appreciation. Allow yourself time for self-appreciation.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of September 23 – September 29, 2012
Look at the larger perspective and objectively examine all areas of your life that are being expressed in an uninspired way. Take steps to change your attitude or the situation. Persevere in exploring creative solutions.
A great comment was left in the past days about the upcoming Women’s Retreats in 2013. In our post of last week, Fortune left a very interesting comment about war, peace, skin and hypnosis and the link to these two “women-only shamanic retreats”. Do take a look here.
Thank you for the comment, Corrien. It is indeed magical when you get what you asked for.
Here is the Beyond Mortality course Corrien talked about:
Thank you Almine
It reminds me in the course bevond mortality you are speaking about false emotions artificial emotions
As lightworkers we have them often to balance our light
When we come in another freguentie we see it in the environment around us the artificial freguenties
That makes it important to balance the new freguenties for every one on Earth/ cosmos
I see this à lot at this moment it makes me more motivated to live close with the Infinite and do the meditations and the overlapping course that starts in à moment,
So greatfull to get the answer where i asked for,
Lovely greetings Corrien