Is there a cosmic reason the Song of the Rose has been taken off the Market?
The Seer Almine:
In Mastery of the Unfathomable (Part 2), the dysfunctional way in which the subpersonalities have been used, as well as the imbalance of their masculine, is discussed. This has played an important part in causing physical inflammation and auto-immune disease as the body fights with itself. The sublime gift of the subpersonalities will be revealed so that their higher calling can be restored.
The Song of the Rose has been removed from the website because it has a missing note. The alchemy of all the oils has been redone except the Fragrance Alchemy for the subpersonalities (the vertical and horizontal axis) and the Song of the Rose. They were waiting for me to uncover a huge piece of the higher function of the subpersonalities that had been missing. I will mix their oils today.
But the Song of the Rose isn’t for a subpersonality? Where does it fit in?
Imagine the eight subpersonalities as a cross with two groups of four, one on each axis. The Song of the Rose is a fragrance that is located right in the middle crossover point (benefitting all subpersonalities). It will be available again with its missing element in a week and be released as a special for Mother’s Day.
A Note From Team Fragrance Alchemy:
The subpersonality sets are now also discounted as part of the Spring Special!
Your Subpersonality Kit: the Vertical/Masculine Axis
Your Subpersonality Kit: the Horizontal/Feminine Axis
The Song of the Rose is now temporarily available in a 3.5ml size!
Frequency & Fragrance
So this explains why the Rose oil and the Song of the Rose oil that I am using are not doing a complete job anymore. Thank you Almine. I have been feeling this adjustment in my body as a muscle discombobulation in the back of my right shoulder for the past couple of days. I do have the super magical oil that came out in January, to use in the meantime. Thank you.
Will the fragrances for the subpersonalities sets we purchased last year be upgraded also assuming they are sitting on the same sigils? If we still use them how will affect us?
For the Song of the Rose oil that we already have and use, I assume that we should not use it until the new formula hase been created. Assuming that its Sigil remains the same, if we place our oil on it in the meantime, will our oil upgrade itself? And if so, how long an adjustment phase will be needed tor this before we can use our oil again? Thank you Almine and Team <3