Almine wishes everyone a happy Mother’s Day!
As her special gift, we release the theme from Cosmic Lemurian Symphony, composed by Almine last Friday afternoon for the upcoming Summer Solstice Global Earth Chants Ceremony. Enjoy.
Cutting-edge Mysticism
Almine wishes everyone a happy Mother’s Day!
As her special gift, we release the theme from Cosmic Lemurian Symphony, composed by Almine last Friday afternoon for the upcoming Summer Solstice Global Earth Chants Ceremony. Enjoy.
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I can only second that 😉
Days ago, I wrote a comment, but got self-conscious at the end and didn’t click on the Post Comment button. That night, in my dream, I saw Almine standing in front of my netbook and reading my comment. So I guess nothing is ever lost! lol
I’m a bit wary of recollecting/talking of any special experiences because I don’t want them to fortify my ego, but I felt compelled to write this comment this time.
Thank you for everything, always, and (it’s a bit late, but) Happy Mother’s Day! Well, I guess every day is Mother’s Day after all, so… 🙂
I have the same predicament, E.Kim, about letting circumstances or events become a part of an identity. I have found that I can now recall and even share them, as who I chose to be and what I experience in that particular moment in time, but knowing there is no connection with who I might want to be now.
Still, always a good thing to be vigilant with your own ego…
happy mothers day, i thought it was mothers day over here i was on my way to the shops to buy my mother some flowers and a card then i was told it is mothers day only in the u.s its march 18th over here.
while i am here i would like to ask a question for the next radio show if i may “i dont know where to send questions”
“i feel so connected to nature while im indoors i feel so empty so much so i have to keep my window open at night otherwise i struggle to even breath this has lead me to furthering my pagan knowledge, but i wonder has the nature god pan come into body and forgot who he is perhaps because of the way that nature is abused? i feel this may be the case with me, who knows perhaps im called to be a part of the pagan faith would love an answer to the nature question in particular”
I will use it as inspiration for our next radio show (Awakening from the Dream), Steven. Don’t know if there will be answers, but perhaps some helpful nudges.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Team Almine
Happy Mother’s Day to Almine and all the Goddesses and all the Goddesses within the Gods… To the Eternal Mother in all… Praise and Gratitude
Thank you Almine for the most exquisite gift!
It brought tears to my eyes, coupled with a deep longing for home.
A very generous mother’s day gift.
In gratitude
This powerful symphony leaves me speachless! Swirling vortexes in the body…erupting volcanoes…generosity…opulence of expression…
I start thinking that the 72 hours of the Earth ceremony will blow me away completely and I will finally get lost and find myself in Oneness……
My best wishes for the Eternal Mother Almine. Deep gratitude for your gift , together with infinite love and praise.