Almine Art by Karen F.
The Seer Almine has said that if death is an illusion to overcome, so must its opposite — life — be. After a week of preparation, Almine gave permission for her heart to be stopped for several seconds. It happened on Monday, October 2 at 3.25 PM PST in Corvallis, Oregon. She overcame the illusion of death and of life.
The Last Rune Prediction
Almine has let us know that this is the last week that she will be giving a Rune prediction. The Runes remain a sacred tool of guidance in an uncharted existence that the evolution of life has led us to. She will be sharing a weekly insight instead as we resume Through the Seer’s Eyes.
But life has no oppsite. The opposite of death is birth.Life just is.
Love, Lora
I honestly was quite surprised to hear almine went through a death experience things change rather readily, im quite humbled by the deeds you all are doing and also in such grace, thank you, without your graces and the ways you cooperate, i would have never been in a place where i could prove to myself that i am worthy to exist for all the right reasons…. thank you i appreciate your help in accepting personal power more fully in myself….
you see, we all have to eventually make a choice, ((choices are blessings from the infinite to have the opportunity to discover more wonder about your existance)) i have incarnated to keep my life cost as low as possible, right now the earth needs innocent incarnations that require the type of energy i need to gather to utilize my magic, (and as far as generating intense energy quickly, its not my expression, my expression is to faucet energy where its needed the best i am able while keeping consciousness my own this is but one of three paths) although thanks to the lightworkers, lightbeareres, wayshowers etc, ive honed my abilities enough i dont need to focus on my personal arts anymore, and have now a distinct new job as a vessel that can travel “between the three” but as you could foresee, it takes a lot of choices to reach this point especially at a place where all of earths nexus points are being funneled hint, they are being funnled to a SPECIFIC star and specific location in the cosmos trace that line, and you will find your answers…. i exist to show the planet her masculine sovereignty and simply, the energy state of intensity is too low to be efficient in a physical place and should come about with balance of grace and inspired action…
Cooperation is best mastered in odd formations such as groups of three five, seven and so forth, because of the allowance of a negative inclusion within the team, it acts as a reference point to allow any negative external factors to be instantly transmuted into its positive counterpart, that’s the part the consciousness vessel plays as “a light-bearer” and if you have devoted a lot of your thoughts and feelings for the sake of others, you are a light-bearer.
some concepts that may help is think of duality in Trinities…… there are six neutral elements…. (light) (dreams) (time) (space) (soul) (mind) that hold the six elements as an incubation cyclic chamber (much like the cycles of the moon) the elements are fire, air, water, earth, and each have a polarity of choice existing to dissolve the illusion of unnecessary influences as the One direction )inward( continues to self perpetuate its inertia.
Path of the dimentional summoner, or the path of the Creational alchemist, they go hand and hand in the way of magic, one is not simply one or the other, we are both, but our choice of emphasis is the origin point of creation and the way we work with these paths determine the journey that lies before us…. this is something inherent to eternity, there really no recollection of which choice you made at duality (an inherent quality of what duality actually is) its something to make sure we decide for ourselves as we continue to exist here
Picture reminds of the Orisha Mermaid screen. Love it!
Thank you for sharing this very deep insight dearest Almine, it has helped clarify a series of questionmarks for me. And isn’t it lovely how Karen has captured the golden crown upon your luminous head 💖
Without passing through the change called death- you have demonstrated its possible.
Thanks for the possibilities of why we are really here.
Much Love!
Beautiful portrait. 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
Amazing ! So greatful to Almine !!!!! All life must changed from this , rippling !!! I love Karen’s art it’s beautiful !
Wow… I can only imagine, what a feeling. Beautiful
I am in awe of your experience. WOW! I appreciate you, and I love you 💖
Love, Praise and Gratitude 💖💖💖💖
has almine overcome the illusion of death and transitioned, or is she in body here? forgive but theres a bit of mystery to post. Often hearts are literally stopped for surgery, and meditative purpose as well. died and returned myself, so can someone clarify the above a bit?
She is here.
May we meet again someday soon…we love you and we never forget you….you are truly the highest being…..from your cree friends of Maskwacis, AB
This is such an amazing thing, but I am left with so many questions…
The title says “My Death Experience” but there is nothing about the experience.
Am I missing something? Is there more to the post that I did not see?
I’m very interested to know how this came about and what transpired. What was the purpose of stopping her heart? How was it done? What did she experience?
Is this like the samadhi that Yogananda demonstrated?
Wow, Beloved Anutiama~what a Threshold you have just traveled through ~in Awe~ tears as I sense just a glimpse of your diamond, Luminous Being
Thank you Almine 💖
Mother You….
Are The Earth’s most Stunning and Fragrant Rose….
Even The Cosmos bends for an in-breath of You….
Mother Oh Mother
Anutiama Anutiama
Ishtaya Mokshaya Utaya Mata Ma A Ta (I)
May the Fragrance of Reverence Heal all Hearts as
All Are Yours Beloved Mother
Karen F – I love your Art of Almine ♥️
My Earth Birthday is on the 0110 – the 1.oct … On Sunday (My Birthday) … Almines overcame the illusion of Life and Death.
On that very day I was transferred from a Hospital in Spain, Marbella (Beautiful Sea) to a Hospital in Nyon, Switzerland.
The whole Day I was in transit – I felt AS if I was neither Living nor Dead…A very surreal.
All around me people were kind and nice – in the ambulances and Airplane – but it didn’t feel as if it was me… And now I understand – it wasn’t… It was Almine – The Embodiment of the Infinite – manifesting the Illusion of The Dream – The One Life…
I’m in awe to have had this experience.
Thank you ever so much!
In Love Praise Gratitude Surrendered Trust
Beloved Anutiama…I stand in silent wonder before the miracle of your Being.
a song of praise filled love and Gratitude rises from my heart sent out to you with Raven call, toad song and aspen leaves dancing with the wind warm autumn day in New Hampshire
The only words I can convey to you, Beloved
Almine~ Praise🌅Love❤️Gratitude🙏🏻Trust🌹
Wow! I felt much happening in my heart and chest that day and at the same time, we were doing Esklavanet for a friend who told us he had not crossed yet. Then a beautiful yellow bird.. like in one of the Bird clock cards landed on the balcony. He heard my voice and tried to come in the condo. He flew into the glass door thinking it was open all the way. He hit it of course, but bounced right back up to sit on the balcony. I saw in that moment, life and death communicating as one. I had felt something was happening with Almine for over a week. This is truly amazing, courageous and awe-inspiring! Something feels new today! Love, Praise & Gratitude Almine. xx