What differentiates a lower reality from a higher one?
The Seer:
The number of layers of illusion embodied by matter. The layers of illusion in lower levels of reality are contained by layers of geometry that has angles and joints. At higher realities, the geometry becomes fluid geometry. This dynamic geometry releases the illusions trapped by angular geometry.
There is an additional field (called the field of hope = the indigo field of Sersatu). This additional field of existence is also visible in the construction or shape of the building blocks of higher matter: the higher awareness particles.
It is time for us to activate the thirteenth color of indigo blue as a new addition to our light explosion protocol. It is called the “Heart of Hope”.
This color is added after the Pastel Peach, before the White Light.
Archetype name: Birusat
Archetype Perspective: Restoration of innocence through fluidity
Name of the Field: Sersatu
Color: Indigo Blue
Color Function: Protects against hostile wave-forms* and pulses that interrupt heart function and other electro bodily functions
Illusions Separated the 12 Fields: Electro/magnetic
Color Tone: The purified magic of innocence
Meridian: Haaraknit
Meridian Oil: Innocence* (yet to come)

The Haaraknit is the bridge between inner and outer space it is also the place, or state of being, where the masculine and feminine meet and can communicate without hostility as it allows opposites to inspire one another rather than oppose one another. It facilitates the cooperation of inner and outer senses so we can experience our individuated expression more deeply.
~ The Seer Almine
Notes from The Seer: These hostile waveforms are something we have never encountered before, as they are both electrical and magnetic at the same time. We have previously only studied material that is either electrical or magnetic, not electrical and magnetic at the same time.
*Note: There will be a new oil made, that is a gift from the Unicorns coming. Stay Tuned…
Meditation by Almine, created to work with the Haaraknit, click here
Previous: Gods From The God Kingdom
Abundant gratitude to you Beloved Almine for bringing this forth for us to integrate .
With immense love and appreciation – thank you!
And thank you, Tina for assisting with this communication
I needed alredy to use the extra color ! Yesterday 5/10 during half an hour, my heart beated as an hammer and cold sweat broke out.
Form nothing to even dangerous situation for my heart until nothing again, so strange !
I felt very tired afterwards and felt pain in back of my head, cerebellum. After sleeping , all is gone.
That half hour, I tried to concentrate on my breath and the colors. didn’t panic but I even thaught I had to go…
Thank you for giving the new light explosions ! It saved my life.
It’s possible..New Runes around somewhere?
For Field of Hope? ❣️
Thank You SEER💖💖💖🌹
Tina 🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕
QiVesta …? New assignments?
(Not magnetic-not electrical)?
What an incredible message! Incidentally I was reviewing all notes and sigils about the Haaraknit and had it all over my table and the big angel I am currently painting wears indigo robe ( that would be my little miracle of synchronicity …) Much gratitude for this gift .
Miracles abound! This is joyous news. Thank you, Eternal Mother.
Dear Almine .
What a blessing and grace to recieve this color . What a beautifulday it will be.
Much gratitude love prais gratitude trust and Hope.
Grateful Praise sings forth for our Beloved Seer and Tina for posting…This Blessing filled message comes with such perfectly timed Grace, that I am able to move into a new space of Surrender/Trust/Hope.
2 nights ago, I was lying on the bed, stretching and loosening mid thoracic spine , hips and diaphragm and when I stood up, the diaphragm went into spasms, something never experienced before. I had to find new resources for breathing. All organs feel traumatized, especially the liver and stomach. Yesterday, a memory floated through…in the mid 80s, I met a woman who spoke to me about the power of colors and asked me to “see” into what colors came forth within and first it was magenta and then, brilliant indigo. I felt this memory came forth for a reason. I’ve also felt inspired to drop into and experience the flow of the Haaraknit last night and this morning, as residual spasm continues. I am in awe before this miracle of Loving Grace✨🕊✨Thank-You💓
I am living inside a physical urban fantasy novel. Explosions of concentrated light blasting left right and center. High Alchemy, Magical Sigils and Power Wheels. And Sacred Oil…gifted by Unicorns! Though there is a whole lot of conflict, uncertainty, fear and downright strangeness going on around me. I must admit, having access to these tools is pretty cool 🙂
Oh Hunt,
Thank-you for sharing your unique perspective!
Laughter has loosened early morning tension in the diaphragm and tears of happiness are flowing for All of Life as we receive this message of Indigo filled HOPE ✨😂😍✨💙
Glad it helped to dissipate that tension!
Unused to physical dysfunction I’ve recently been struggling to understand why I have been experiencing irregular heartbeat and palpitations leading to my system becoming drenched in adrenaline generating a state of hypertension. Now I understand 💖 With deepest gratitude dearest Almine 🙏🏼
For some reason this feels like the most natural and easy to access colour of all! Just incredible news, eternal gratitude!
For a long time, for whatever reason, I was having trouble visualizing the amber colored light explosion. I have no idea why.
I have always found the amber hardest to visually too dear hunt, interestingly.
I mean, I found it hard to visualise for a long time as well. I put it down to it being the weakest expressed quality within me, and it finally shifted when I changed something in my vision. It seemed to be tied too to physical healing, in that my vision shifted when something significant shifted in my body too, following the release of particular physical trauma memories through intensive bodywork I’ve been doing.
That is really interesting stuff! I’ve got a feeling that’s exactly why I wasn’t able to visualize it also. Unresolved trauma where the core of it is stored deep within the subconscious mind, but the effects still bleed through into conscious life.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Such synchronicity!
Thank you for this very important news!
In Holiness shall we walk this path!
In gratitude to Almine, Tina and the Unicorns!
the timing of this post is extraordinary for me!I was awoken at dawn by the awareness of a WAVE moving across me, that was creating blinding pain through my right shoulder & arm – a situation I have been dealing with (for no apparent cause) for a couple of months – and this is extremely unheard of for me; any issues arising in my physical body I can usually resolve within days, at most, and I have been extremely puzzled by the onset/abatement and onset of this condition – but this morning I actually detected the movement of an intense pulse or wave! SO helpful, Almine – thank you for the post Tina
It sounds like the effects of DARPA’S DEW technology (directed-energy weapon.) It might be that they are targeting OO’s or similar people’s to try and stop spiritual progression. Its good that this issue has cleared up.
This is most extraordinary!!
Thank you for this opportunity to be able to
work with the Indigo Blue Light🌌🙏🏻
With deep love and gratitude,
How Wonderful. Deepest Gratitude to you Dearest Almine for this, and also to Tina for posting it.
You’re most welcome Mieke. 🙂
Hi Almine, this feels wonderful. Where do we add it in the light explosion protocol? Is it at the end before the white light, or after the sky blue, perhaps xx
Dear Joanne, This color will be added after the Pastel Peach, before the White Light.
Thank you Tina. I see the update. Deeply grateful xxxx
Thank you for asking the question Joanne.
So greatful for this Almine, and to Tina for posting it…
How will we activate it within our being and what will it protect us from…. I had a very unusual and disturbing morning….
My pleasure Vanessa. 🙂
Things are moving again.
Wait! NON hostile??
That was an error Alex. The wave forms are definitely hostile.