Yesterday we posted about Almine’s January online course. However, another great way to start the new year is her 5-day retreat in Canada in January. Some things you might want to know about this retreat:
- The early bird special has been extended to January 2nd, 2013
- The class is held in the Tower hotel on the 25th floor in the glass observation deck, with magnificent view on the falls; we are right above them
- It is the first retreat with Almine of 2013
- People signing up will receive 2 weeks worth of the Calendar of Oneness for free, to help prepare themselves
Contact: Helena for more information:
Almine in Niagara Falls 2013 – Becoming Heralds of Hope
Living Beyond the Paradigm of Mortality
Dates: Monday, January 28, 2013 – Friday, February 01, 2013
In this ground-breaking retreat, Almine will give detailed information on how to evolve life beyond existing paradigms including areas of everyday expression such as nutrition and eating, sexuality and relationship, using self-mastery in sleeping and dreaming and general concepts of abundance. She will be discussing the newly revealed concepts of utilizing body, soul and spirit as poetic expressions of eternal existence.
This retreat will take place on the 25th floor of the “TOWER HOTEL” glass observation deck with a spectacular view of the Niagara Falls.
Please contact the facilitator for reduced rates information for hotel accommodations. Prompt booking is recommended due to the limited number of rooms in the tower.
Contact: Helena
More information and registration, see here.
Also, take a listen to this recent audio compilation of people going to an Almine retreat:
Came across Almine in October of 2012 and was suddenly and completely left unarmed, madly attracted to this beautiful mystic of some nano-dimension. She may be, single-handedly, the living software for body-mind-heart healing, rejuvenation and ascension of an exhausted and direly forlorn humanity. Let her touch your heart, and better still, you touch hers.