We are grateful to be able to release for sale, the alchemical oil “Eternal Mind.” The incorruptible Eternal Mind of humanity is born of an eternal perspective. It is the result of the evolution of the mental plane of all humankind and the solution to achieving peace on Earth. The alchemy in this phenomenal oil facilitates a shift in perspective that allows you to see your daily life from an empowered position of one living in Eternal time.
How to use: Place a small amount of this precious oil just below the hairline, in the middle, and at the back of the neck. Available in 3.5ml & 18 ml sizes.
*Very Important Notes from The Seer: This oil is not to be applied before the summer solstice (June 20, 2021). Applying this oil before then could cause the event of the Eternal Mind activation (at noon PST) to happen prematurely. The Eternal Mind oil is not needed for the solstice but promotes the continued activation and graceful transition to Eternal Mind.
*Summer solstice 2021 in Northern Hemisphere will be on Sunday, June 20, 2021 – Pacific Time (USA). The oil should be put on via the time and day indicated here, and not before then. The Sigil should not be used before then either.
I think what this means is that Almine is leading the activation first at her time zone and then we all synchronize ..I think that may be why we shouldn’t apply the oil at our own summer solstice time (wherever we may live), that’s my guess.
Wow two days ago I was feeling there was a new oil! Wow this sound so powerful and amazing! Okay on it to order! Infinite love and gratitude to Almine. LPGSTH Yes that would be wonderful Tina to have the sigil for the solistice as I would not receive the oil till later. Thank you! LPGSTH
Just want to remind everyone that this is also the day the Fairies will come to Fairy Falls!
Dear Almine and Tina,
For those of us who may not be able to order this precious oil in time for the Solstice, will you be able to send us, just before the Solstice, its Sigil on the OO site? As you did for the Earth Angel oil which accompanies the recent Belvaspata for the Earth. I know it isn’t equal to the alchemy of the oil itself…
It sounds like it would help us to remain balanced during this formidable transition, and help us be of greatest service by enhancing our participation in the flow.
Thank you 🦋
Dear Barbara,
Almine has said that the Eternal Mind oil is not needed for the Solstice, however, I will put the sigil on the Diary for you, and all who want the sigil.
Many magical blessings,
Thank you Tina!
I have another question, concerning ‘logistics’: over here in Europe the Solstice takes place on the 20th of June at 5:32am.
So Almine’s activation time on the day before the Solstice at noon Pacific time would be, for us, 9:00pm (21:00) of the same day.
If Almine has chosen the 20th at noon in her location (rather than the exact time) there must be a reason… which I don’t need to know.
But perhaps those of us in other time zones need to be careful not to apply the Oil or Sigil at noon by our clocks ? Just checking 🙃
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for your questions. Almine has said on the 20th at noon (PST). For us: Summer solstice 2021 in Northern Hemisphere will be on Sunday, June 20, 2021 – Pacific Time. The oil should be put on via the time and day indicated here, and not before then. From what you wrote above, yes, this would be 9:00pm your time. The Sigil should not be used before then either.
*Summer solstice 2021 in Northern Hemisphere will be on Sunday, June 20, 2021 – Pacific Time. The oil should be put on via the time and day indicated here, and not before then. The Sigil should not be used before then either.
“This oil is NOT to be applied before the summer solstice (June 20, 2021). Applying this oil before then could cause the event of the Eternal Mind activation (at noon PST) to happen prematurely.- WHOA! This must be pretty intense then. 🙂