During the vacation period we will feature little snippets from Almine’s old diaries. Called the “Blast from the Past”-series, it gives a perfect opportunity to see how Almine’s teachings and insights have deepened over the years or to dive into forgotten corners of the teachings. We think you will enjoy!
One Empowering Moment at a Time
Many envy the success of others without realizing the self-discipline, faith and dogged self-belief that go into producing it. Success is achieved by a combination of wings and roots; by holding the desired outcome firmly in one’s vision but laying the foundation and structure of one’s dream is done step by step. Exponential growth does not mean the skipping of steps or lack of attention to detail.
Last night my son won the office of states representative. At 28 years old he is not only the youngest, but has created the largest turnover in Oregon history against his very vicious opponent. He did this by single-handedly knocking on more than 10,000 doors and writing notes and comments to every single person who spoke to him at their door.
If we can live one moment gloriously, and then the next and the next, greatness is born – but it comes one choice at a time.
You can check out Almine’s old, dormant, diaries here and here.
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