Beloved Lightfamily,
This Ceremony is an invitation for us to experience ourselves as the greatest power of the universe. At the link below, we offer you a detailed explanation of the dynamics of the Power of our Beingness, and how it interplays with Sound Alchemy.
There is so much depth contained in the mystery of our pure existence. It may reveal to us entirely unexpected realms of possibilities. We can experience this occasionally “by accident,” or we can make it our way of life. Opening the Gates of Heaven Musical Ceremony is a Divine opportunity for us to experience new depths of the Power of our Divine Beingness. The truth that our being is our sustenance will become even more alive for us.
More detailed information about the Sacred Musical Ceremony Opening the Gates of Heaven:
Ceremony of Sacred Musical Alchemy, “My Being is My Sustenance”
Anna says
Thank you dear Sergey, I always love to participate in your ceremonies.
Katherine Toy Miller says
This is very powerful! Thank you!
Dhani says
This music is truly Heavenly!! Well done SErgey and group-A!
Katherine Toy Miller says
This is really powerful! Thank you!