I asked Almine about the significance of the upcoming Blood Moon…
“In the US, Canada, and Central and South America, this rare Total Lunar Eclipse of a Supermoon will begin on the evening of September 27, 2015. In Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, the Arctic, and in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans it starts after midnight on September 28, 2015.”
Almine’s answer:
The significance is an internal one… Particularly prevalent in the major lightworkers who will be experiencing it as a proxy for humanity. The usual threat of war during these rare lunar phenomena, isn’t there because of the global purification that took place recently.
The spatial construct we live our individual experiences in (our relationship to space around us – called directionality – and inner space – called bilaterality) depends on our creation of the eight directions. Four of these form the vertical axis, and four the horizontal axis.
Individuals are more dominant in the vertical axis (called stalkers) or accentuate the horizontal axis (called dreamers). This individual accentuating determines a unique approach to the environment (fully explained in the book Journey to the Heart of God). Communication between those two perspectives has been problematic, usually resulting in the horizontal (also called the divergent or feminine) perspective, being regarded as inferior by the vertical (convergent, or masculine) perspective.
This situation has been at the root of many wars as masculine nations conquer feminine ones because of lack of understanding and seeing the other’s value.
On the blood moon, the evolutionary leap will be made of combining and integrating both viewpoints. It will begin with a few and spread to all… It could be felt as vertigo, inability to properly focus eyes and possible nausea from inner ear disturbances. These symptoms should lessen as we see ourselves as the center cause of life unfolding around us, much like the rings around a pebble dropped into a pond.
Daily affirmations that will help establish a new way of looking at space:
I manifest effortlessly through glad expectations. With a glad heart I experience a life of miracles.
Thank You. Thank you. Thank you
Such pure Truth. So glad to have verification of all my intuition has been telling me this past year and especially at this present time. Thank you.
Thank you from all my heart for these updates about recent events!!! I have a question -maybe someone can share ideas or experiences. Could it be possible that some woman go through huge cleansing -long and heavy periods- bleeding?…Could it be also related with changing of hormonal system -human to gods?…..Will be very grateful for any answer..
Thanks a million Rogier and Almine, for sharing this.
Wonderful!!!! So very Wonderful!!
receiving this message with deep gratitude and awareness of our responsibility in living our duties.
thank you thank you thank you
I agree Dhani – thank you Rogier and Almine for the question and the response.
It does feel different in the world from my perspective – and no threat of war!! how absolutely wonderful…
WOW! So grrrrrreat to get this news!! And to turn this corner. We have been working on it ever so diligently. 🙂