Resources have been seen as the fabric of existence, but no created ‘fabric’ is needed within the One Life for Its expression.
Liberation and Freedom
Formed life has always assumed that resources are needed to sustain it. By realizing that neither form nor resources in fact exist, we are liberated from the treadmill of survival.
Tyranny of Form
Our bodies demand resources because it functions as a tribe of elements: fire, water, air and matter. When we realize that these elements cannot really exist within the One Life, the body’s tyranny dissolves.
Family must support all individuals equally, rather than supporting the tribe.
Almine’s Answer to a Facebook Question
Facebook Question from Oct. 19 Almine’s Post: The clinging to the familiar like a well worn blanket, causes a rut which limits resources and causes bodily aging. It leaves the body behind. Transcending the limitation of mortality, rejuvenates. Question: Does that mean we have to “die” to transcend? Or is it just a ‘spiritual’ death… Continue reading→
Authentic Expression
All of life aspires to break up that which is stagnant or blocks the flow of authentic expression. The family as a tribe that demands loyalty is a target for life to batter.
Self-acknowledged Divinity
Family contracts are but the tyranny of the tribalism that demands uniformity. This traps our awareness through imposing a tribal identity.
Impeccable Mastery
What we hold onto is nothing more than the fossilized remains of the last moment.
Inner Sanctum
We create heaven on Earth , “Inner Sanctum” by that which we focus on. Focus on the rapture and deep peace that is felt when we step outside of the ‘dream’ and are one with the Infinite. Deep peace is awareness of recognition and Oneness with Source.
Sigil of Self-Love
All relationship is relationship with Self. Self-love is the door to the Inner Sanctum.