Team Almine “superstars” Simon and Jan are on a grand Russian Tour to share their insights with the beautiful Russian people about Belvaspata, Abundance and other teachings brought forth by Almine. From what we have gathered it is a big success. Here you see some pictures of their big adventure!
Recently we received a great question about the Calendar of Oneness: Thanks for contributing, Stasia!

Thank you Stasia, for your recent comment on Almine’s Calendar of Oneness website, confirming your appreciation for the importance of the Calendar information. In reply to your suggestion that it be made available for free, we point out that Almine already offers a free Weekly Prediction – as well as many other free websites, radio shows, online courses, etc. We feel the value of the Calendar far exceeds the cost and no price could actually compensate Almine for the information that she provides daily.
Prediction for the week of March 25 – March 31, 2012
This week, clear the old to make way for the surprising newness of unfolding existence. Expect your perspective to completely change as you release old value systems and world views.
*Reprinted here with consent of Stasia.
We were just wondering what your views are about paying for spiritual teachings. Should they be free or not? Let us know in the comments area, we always love to hear from you.
About abundance and for those who love to rescue bits of scrap and recycle.This is my exciting neck of the woods.
I could write a zillion books on stuff that has come my way.and the pleasure it has given others and myself
In the past year or so I have noticed so many more opportunities out there,in this department.
I get great pleasure going to the recycling depot in our neighbourhood. While dropping off what I dont need i have a quick look around to see if i can return home with something from the yard that someone else doesn’t need. I just ask the workers and they are happy to let people take what they want.
Recently I needed some paint and wasn’t sure of colour and quantity. On the recycling shelf, there was my problem solved. Several tins of paint,some never opened . I took home a few tins. They did they job and my project cost nothing. One of the colours was a little too blue for me so I combined it with another tin I had in the garage.I got the most amazing blue grey colour from this, and used it to paint large plastic oil tubs,which I found at the vegetable market.
I filled these tubs with home compost and grey amazing carrots in them.I like the fact that they are portable and i can move them around the garden.they are also elegant and classy.
Another project I thoroughly enjoyed. I dismantled bunk beds and used the rails to make the most amazing troughs.I cut each post in two and doweled them to scrap heavy duty fencing .All weather proof.
Plenty of free paint and ,timber preservative at the recycling depot.Just take your pick.I also discovered that my giving a little gift to the workers at these depots that they will call you,should something you are looking for come their way.No time to waste making idle trips!!!
My first home made trough was so gorgeous .I found myself regretting giving it to a special friend,a nun in a convent. She has it displayed with herbs and flowers outside her work place. I like to stay somehow connected to my creations so I either visit them or take photos.I do recall being very upset when the builders at the convent threw paint and rubbish on this masterpiece. I had extra work here but did manage to restore it.
Another project currently being contemplated is using old slates to make troughs.Nailing the slates onto 3x 1 flat timber.the slates have already holes in them
To mix my drinks.Any ideas anyone how to get a sleepy son out of bed.I have been asking why people turn night into day and why people are at their best in the dark of night.Would love some inspiration.
Love to all,
I now honestly feel that when we sincerely trust in ourselves,believe in ourselves and our own power that all will be revealed in Divine order.I have started the practice of simply never forgetting yesterday’s miracle and gift from Source.For me this helps dissolve the feeling of lack or thinking that the well has run dry. It kinda makes looking back fun especially as regards to this ‘lack’ bit or feeling that this old problem might be rearing its head again.
Just remembered yesterday.I had no money, the banks were closed. I needed to buy something and didn’t in this instance wish to borrow or ask for credit.
I sat still,very quiet,and asked that Source would solve my dilema.
I was so excited when cash started to come from so many places.I was directed to old shopping bags,handbags and even folded up receipts.Everywhere I looked there was money.I asked for a small sum but I received much ,much more than that.It felt great going to the shops.I thanked Source with all my heart.I felt liberated and I was amazed at how resourceful I was in my moment of panic.
Its amazing what can be found in folded up receipts.
Worth a try,
love Ann
Following on. Yes I too believe that Almine is very very generous and very compasionate.I have read about all the trips she has made around the world and all the information she has accessed for us travelling in and out of body. From my point of view I feel that money is only a small part of the picture..Life in general is more important than money. BUT If we want money or desire it in our lives I believe we can manifest this.Money is fun,fun to spend it ,fun to save it,fun to give away.There is no end to anything around us if we want it.Some like money,some like getting paid for their services,some like to work for free,some like to barter,some like to haggle,some like to get small sums of money for a service provided ,in exchange for other forms of assistance.some like to pay a lot for things.some people feel very independent if they are allowed to pay for services and products.
This is a personal choice,i feel,I like to feel that I have the freedom to play with products and materials given to us.Its like ,for me.i can take it if my heart so desires or I can leave it.I can pay for it or I can look for other ways to acquire that which I need.
My journey that led me to Almine began shortly after the Harmonic Covergence in 1987. Events were set into motion in my life that involved deep destructuring of life as we have known it. The systems that man has put into place that will have to be transfigured were my focus for many years as I found myself in situations that required a deep examination of societal structures.
This issue of paying for spiritual teachings crossed my path in several ways. Opportunities often arose for me to assist others and the conflict about needing money to operate within sytems and yet giving my services for free presented themselves so I could look at this concept from several different perspectives.
At some point Almine and Spiritual Journeys may be faced with the opportunity to break free from payment for all that is given and begin to reflect the transfiguration beyond the money systems of mankind.
Personally, I’d love if the information were free, but I also understand that Almine and the people who work for her need to live in this world where money exchange is currently necessary. However, I also understand that people who want to know more about Almine’s teachings desire to buy her books, audios, personal elixirs, go to retreats, and on-and-on-and-on — and that’s when it gets financially overwhleming. There is so much!
For example, I was a shocked to see the Columbus retreat price — in fact, I was really quite sad and I grieved for a long time because I wanted to meet Almine. I suppose I thought that meeting her would lift me up so that I could more easily soar over the hurdles that seem to keep me stuck. Maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe I “met” Almine and all her wonderful people because I am meant to be on the periphery cheerleading you on while all you courageous ones lead the way. I suppose I can accept that. Love to you, all my darlings!
Dear Diane, we do have a bater system in place, where you can exchange work for “credits” to pay for a retreat. This is an option, if you are interested. Contact our office to find out more:
I must admit that I have not been going to retreats as much as I would like, just because I am so busy and my own financial situation. I plan a year in advance, financially, if I want to visit during a certain period. Then I just feel which one is right… and go save for that one. For example… I would like to go to a retreat in the fall of 2013. There are several options. I will start to save up now, and make my choice come this Christmas, thus still having enough time to see if I have to save extra for plane tickets, etc. But that’s just how I do it.
I have found that it does not help me to see Almine as someone who is going to lift me up. She does inspire me to lift myself up. Little nuance there, that has made a world of difference to me. But I do know of plenty of stories of people who have been “lifted up” in her presence. Just a little thing to think about 🙂
Team Almine
All these Diane’s… it’s hard to keep up ~_O
Very good advice, Niels! I’ll have to get over my sense of urgency that if I don’t meet Almine NOW that it will be too late — LOL — and begin to plan ahead, as you suggest. Also, thank you for mentioning the barter system in place. It seems worth investigating.
*looks frantically for the like button* 🙂
Team Almine
Dear everyone,
Thanks for responding and being so honest, just as Stasia was. Just a little nugget to think about, of how the tech team tends to look at it (not thé truth, but our truth).
-We don’t pay for spiritual truths/teachings, we pay for the time and energy of a person that went into it getting the teachings out there.
-Always be aware of your belief systems and motivations surrounding money. If you think it should be free, what is the deeper source behind your reasoning? If you think it is OK to pay for it, what is the deeper reason behind that reasoning. Always question your own motives 🙂
For me personally, sometimes I say, “I will gladly pay for this, for I am already abundant” as a reason to catalyst my abundance thinking. But then I still do it from a starting point of not being abundant. Meaning I am using the thought “I will gladly pay for this, for I am already abundant” from a place that I have to re-iterate to myself that I really am abundant. Thus acknowledging that deep down inside I still see that I am not.
I hope this makes sense.
Team Almine
“We don’t pay for spiritual truths/teachings, we pay for the time and energy of a person that went into it getting the teachings out there.”
Oh so true! We also pay for their tenacity, courage and dedication — and for having answered a calling. It’s odd, but I’ve thought about this before: I know that if I were as dedicated, firm and confident as Almine and her team, I would be a revealer of the Divine too. I think many of us would be. I feel it, I hear it, it’s called me, but I have been afraid and couldn’t believe it because it was coming through little ol’ me — and who am I? Whoa! So, we pay for the courage of others until we can find it in ourselves.
“I know that if I were as dedicated, firm and confident as Almine and her team, I would be a revealer of the Divine too.”
I think you all are. A revealer of the Divine. And dedicated. It does take a special breed to keep going at yourself, day after day after day.
No need to keep small 😉
Team Almine
Ahh, I have such profound gratitude for the posting of Stasia’s honest comment and the replies given thus far. I am actually in the throws of vibrating/releasing layers of emotion that has been holding a false belief system of lack in place, creating an illusion of unsupportiveness in some areas of my life. Of course, the monetary value placed on Almine’s work is minimal considering her effort, commitment and the priceless value of the tools given. As I dive deeper to release the shackles of my programming, I rejoice with Love, Praise and Gratitude as the replies to this comment serve as the voice of the Infinite allowing me to see and feel glimpses of the Diamond of Oneness within.
I truly hope that there will be a time in which money is no longer an issue in my life.
I would probably take every course that Almine offers and enjoy every priceless piece of beautiful art she produces. But for now I do what I can and that is enough.
Almine is very generous and I am grateful for all the tools available free of charge.
But I also understand that even $20.00 is a lot of money in some countries, so discernment is needed as what tools to invest in.
First of all these teachings, many of which come from such things as sigils, angels, hidden realms of various sorts and levels don’t just materialize themselves on paper … somebody has to put pen to the paper and many are very intricate in detail. Perhaps you should consider not only the time required to do this but the sacrifices Almine has made during her embodiment to search these out and her willingness to travel into other realms and endure many hardships of which we only have a small picture … just a little hint. Then you might ask yourself if you would be willing to fearlessly face all the opposition that has come against her during her journeys both in body and spirit to secure this information which is beneficial not only to you but to all humanity. There is no other being who has made more sacrifices on behalf of humanity than Almine and if you don’t know that then you don’t really know Almine for who she really is. There is no one who is more compassionate than she and there is none without an agenda more than she. And BTW how many authors in this world do not get paid for the books they write; furthermore even scientist get paid for research! Furthermore, if you are really paying attention to her teachings and follow them, you will be able to manifest the money you need to purchase the Calendar of Oneness! On top of that perhaps you should take a look at Youtube, Cloud, and her many websites and I think they will testify to the fact that the FREE material she has made available is not only abundant, but it is priceless! You have been blessed beyond measure, but you can’t see it! I would recommend you get a new flashlight and trade it in for a floodlight!
I too have felt Stasia’s plight at one point or another in my spiritual unfolding (many times actually). I have found that it’s really ok not to always be able to participate- that too is important… it keeps my choices more refined as I choose with discipline and know when I need to sing in the symphony and when I need to be silent. I too, like a child that sees all the delicious candy would love to eat it all up in one big joyful mouthful!! But it’s just a preference from a smaller perspective. I have All and am All, and this is the core of my being in LOVE and TRUST you are in perfection always. I have found that money is always there when I need to take my next big step…always.
As this weeks prediction from Almine says… have the courage to speak your truth… it is just divine that Niels posted it this week, as Stasia is in perfection of the Infinite’s intent. Thank you Stasia for speaking your truth!
Niel’s you are a beautiful brother, thank you for all you do.
Thank you for your words, Anna, and the compliment.
Indeed, sometimes it does feel like being like a kid in a candy shop.
I have found that often times I don’t incorporate the concepts or insights as well as I am doing a lot of Almine’s material at the same time. With this I mean that I tend to retain and integrate and actually live new insights far better when I only work with 2 or 3 tools/books/courses max. More and I seem to get overwhelmed…
But that is a personal thing.
Team Almine
Sometimes I think, “oh well this month’s 20 for the calendar, 100 for the course and 50 for the Earth Chant…” and I get a little nervous, but it’s just a fleeting moment. As Niels says, Almine has given (and still does) so many tools for free, you could actually just listen to the podcasts and have a lifetime of wisdom in only that.
Like Devapriya, sometimes I have to pick and choose from all the material, but that is a good thing. I know I’m not ready to take on too much, and I trust the Infinite is putting in front of me just what I need. And btw, there’s never been any course/meditation that I have purchased that I don’t treasure. Even courses from 2 years ago still have hidden gems when I listen to them again. So all I can say is thank you.
“And btw, there’s never been any course/meditation that I have purchased that I don’t treasure. Even courses from 2 years ago still have hidden gems when I listen to them again. So all I can say is thank you.”…
Now that is a testimonial!
I too regularly dive into old courses to freshen up, put the insights of today in a perspective of the insights of yesterday (understanding a subject better, although ultimately this is futile… what is there to understand, right?) or just for the fun of it.
Team Almine
The information is priceless. I am happy to pay for it. One could say it is Love Praise and Gratitude in action to pay for Infinite information.
Making ado about money as important is a beliefsystem as I perceive it. It almost seems to me that the whole of one of the original 8 cells it programmed with money issues considering how often (the lack of) money is mentioned in conversations and in arguments, especially in arguments against doing, experiencing, living certain choices. As this weeks prediction gives the focus on letting go of old beliefsystems so new perspectives open, my joyfull anticipation is that inevitable and effortless perception of abundance will be one of the new perspectives…. In Love Praise and Gratitude, Mariëlle (The Netherlands).
I know the feeling expressed by Stasia because I have experienced it in the past. But then I learnt first to accept that it was ok not to able to purchase all the beautiful things offered by Almine; in the perfection of my unfolding life I was not probably ready for them. Then I experienced my inner abundance and now I am able to purchase many more then before. Also this is a learning process, and I am grateful for what Almine is so generously offering.