Should I participate in the Oneness Movement (Kalki Bhagavan’s teachings and events) as well? Are there any further insights, revelations, which might be helpful to me in their practices and teachings?
I’m experiencing waves of nausea as I read this question. So perhaps it’s time for me to be more blunt… Over the years, I’ve compassionately responded to anyone turning to me for assistance when confused, sick, hurt, afraid etc. But it’s no longer something I want to do. It feels that it’s an exploitation of my compassion and a disrespect to the exquisite and holy journey and its outpouring of light and truth.
I understand that the unbearable and overwhelming complexity of a disintegrating society, makes the simplicity of Hindu and Buddhist teachings seem very attractive. But if by now you cannot see that escaping from one opposite, by hiding in the other opposite, perpetuates cycles of duality — this is inevitable because it subjects you to the Law of Compensation — then somehow our role-playing of teacher/student has failed.
It requires total commitment to escape the existing paradigm. The way out of duality cannot be successfully walked by dragging it behind you. These stagnant teachings of humans are a reaction against the complexity of materialism, but they will keep you on the treadmill of polarity.
The sacred teachings we are receiving isn’t a backup plan to use when convenient. Nor am I. Even the most diligent of students faithfully applying themselves to walking their mastery, are but scratching the surface of these ever-new teachings. If you study and apply them for all your waking hours, you will still not reach the end of them. The deeper you understand them, the more we draw in. And you feel you need to supplement them with the regurgitated teachings of man?
Please don’t ask me to endorse your folly. It would be disrespectful of me to treat a god being in the flesh, like a human child. With deep love and respect, ~Almine.
Indeed……. as Almine says so bluntly, ” stagnant teachings” …may be not what the Buddha has said, but what has been turned into “his” teachings.. and now is taught by almost all Buddhist the monks. Thank you Almine! As I feel a long overdue answer..
Beloved Almine, I so appreciate your profound and cutting edge teachings and your generosity of sharing your insights. I do not know what the Oneness Movement (Kalki Bhagavan’s teachings) is. However, being immersed in Buddhist teachings for quite some time, I have truly admired and appreciated the depth, width, scopes and profondness of the Buddhist teachings. Even lifetimes of study won’t be enough to penetrate and embody the teachings. The Buddhist teachings are to show the reality and truth about universe, about Natures, about creations, about life, about our true natures and beyond. It is about total awakening from the dreams and illusions of the worlds and ourselves. It is about going beyond duality and cycles of reincarnations. It is about how things (including thoughts, life, visible things and invisible things) come to being and go through changes. One of the well-known ancient Buddha, Ar Mi Tuo Fo means Infinit light and Infinit life. The Buddihist teachings are not about blind faith and religion. It has wide range of wisdom that surpasses the knowledge of most advanced psychology and science. There are different layers and levels of teachings that Sakyamuni Buddha taught during his 49 years of teachings. Of course there maybe some flaws and simplicity in some old fashion Buddhist practices. But the true Buddisht teachings are vast, deep and beyond an ordinary human mind can grasp. I hope people can truly understand what the Buddhist teachings really are and receive benifit from them. I do not see the Buddhist teachings contradict any of Almine’s teachings. Thank you for bring the sacred teachings to the world, dear Almine!
I so Love this … Thank you
Yes, thank you.
Hear Hear Yes! In my limited vocabulary, I recently expressed this to someone. Thank you Almine for putting it out there so perfectly and timely. Interestingly, this topic is one reason.. I made a recent personal decision. In love and gratitude.
Yes, Thank you Almine,
For loving us so completely in Immaculate Divine Love.
Since a child i have along with my human mother studied the religions of the world together, but all left me sadened because they all had caps and limitations within them and when questioned i was rebuffed. I then explored spirituality and found the same. Explored the so called New Age stuff and felt ensnared, I left this behind too.
I was a practicing healer and my opening comment to all my clients was ” as an Infinite divine being how do you live your life in expression and explore yourself” I found Almine through this statement i read somewhere from her. My joy was over whelming i found my home and gateway, nothing else can even come close to what we are given here.
It is truly an infinite variety of explorations all resonate but some draw stronger for exploration within all of us. Each of us is unique so to that to which we are drawn to explore in uncovering that which we are and have never been anything else.
As Almine says we are here to ” dust of the dust of the ages ”
In deepest LPG and surrendered trust in The Infinie One Life much grtitude Almine for being the spear head for us. In humbleness and humility in gratitude Thank You
Immaculate pristineness
I did not know
how to get out
of the vicious cycle,
nor I was aware
I was in it.
Thank you immensely
for these words of wisdom,
like a wake up call,
and for message of hope.
Thank you ♥
I walked the path of the traditions for 48 yrs prior to finding The Living Embodiment Of Truth, Who Miraculously Stands before us Here. Yesterday’s Truth is beautiful but today’s Truth is as Alive as She Is. It rocks me to the core as no other teaching has done before. I cannot claim to even fathom the depth of what She brings but that it stretches the mind to give up it’s tyranny so that every cell resonates with this Eternal Song, Oh yes, Beloved One, Oh yes…
Truly Blessed are we to Witness This Living Gift…
Eternal Love, Robin R
…so beautifully expressed ♥ thank you ♥
I feel you have stated the truth of this choice quite clearly many times, Almine. For me, there is no other body of work or teacher that resonates so completely with my core, than the Sacred information you work so earnestly to provide as guidance… nothing compares to these truths, nothing at all! I see earnest beings seeking, sharing, but none of what they offer is actually ‘new’. None of it moves beyond what has always been… this, to me, is the essential Light that shines from you and enlivens my entire being. This is the song of life evolving – this is the song of Greatest Compassion. LPGST
With excellence you respond, dearest Almine…thank you for addressing this.
I share your repulsion and nausea.
So clearly and beautifully said. Thank you Almine. With respect and trust.
Thank you for speaking the truth so clearly on many levels.