This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beautiful Lightfamily member.
The meaning of the words:
Acknowledged blessings multiply
Labor becomes a sacred ceremony by seeing it as acts of devotion
The Seer’s Notes:
Lack and abundance are illusions that disappear when the equity of a universe governed by the law of compensation is seen.
The Angelgods:
Trechbar – (Angelgod of the removal of those who plan mass destruction)
Trehuveravish – (Angelgod for those who seek peaceful sanctuary)
Elesheresta – (Angelgod of successful agriculture)
Pruhavabit – (Angelgod of balanced weather)
Trihunavis – (Angelgod of impeccable government)
Selechsersatu – (Angelgod of dissolving arrogance and bringing blessings to humble hearts)
Click here to download PDF
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Click here to download the sigil’s information PDF
Beautiful. Much Love and Gratitude and Praise for yet another precious Gift.
Wow!! Loving this!!
Deep gratitude 💖💖
🤍💜💙Thank you!💙💜🤍
Beautiful! Interestingly, I had a dream of being in Argentina. All these country sigils are amazing!!!! Thank you to everyone gifting and to Almine for bringing forth these powerful and life changing sigils!! LPGSTH