This power sigil is a free gift from four anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily members.
The big lettering means:
Trust is like loving arms to lift one up and over obstacles.
The small lettering means:
The indigenous people represent the inner reality of the planet. Both the urbanite races and the aboriginal races are needed to create balanced expression of the human race. When the material world threatens to self-destruct, the healing inclusiveness of the indigenous people will save the planet. Do not blame the white race for their materialism. It is destructive only when the aboriginal does not live his connection with nature. When both races express their parts, all species thrive and man’s heart shall cease its ravenous search for fulfillment.
The Angelgods:
Klisaret – arestu
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Aroha Mai 🌬🥰
Most excellent! Thank you very much for this one!! Very thoughtful request indeed.
Thank you Beloved Almine for this insight of urbanite races being needed as much as the indigenous races.
Touching words for both sides to come together to live in “integrated co – coperation”
So much has been and has yet to be revealed. What a journey!
Very profound
Deep Gratitude for this sacred Sigel of Power💖