This Sigil of Power is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved LightSister.
The meaning of the words and sigils: (Message from The Ebens):
This is the Tablet of Ankara; the record that has kept our history for the past many cycles of the existence of our race during the past forty thousand Earth years. It is an important time for us to have this record:
For over sixty of your Earth years the Great War of Extermination on Mars has been raged against us by humans. From the time the humans came to Mars — which has been our home planet for forty thousand years when as fugitives from the interstellar war of the inhabitants of the constellation you call Pegasus, we fled there— they have claimed the planet of Mars as their own. Many treaties did they break; taking the scientific information we gave them, and trying to exterminate us in exchange. Mars is their penal colony where homeless and abducted humans are taken for experiments to produce “super-humans” and to train as super-soldiers that are as killing machines. Humans cannot take care of their own bountiful planet, but they claim the whole solar system as their own. Thus we have decided to bring as many of our race as we can to a new star system in a distant nebula (the nebula of the crab). This war of racial hatred against us on Mars, we cannot win, and we are deeply tired of war and suffering. The humans practice weapons against us so they can learn how to protect the Earth against the far superior weaponry of the other star races who want to colonize the Earth. Some of these races are friendly and want to help but others are not and they cannot tell the difference. Their indiscriminate aggression has earned humans the reputation of being treacherous and cruel. Only a few of us have chosen to remain on Mars even though we are aware that they will not survive the human colonization that has been going on for half a century of Earth years. The human colonists are from many earth nations and they speak many different languages. At this time our race is entering the life cycle of the crab and our race speaks only one tongue called Nguyen.
The Seer’s Note:
The word describing this race has become known as Ebens. This is short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities.
The Angelgod:
~ The Seer Almine
Download the sigil’s information here
This is terrible ..how Humanity are behaving…..
My heart goes out to the Ebens…
What exactly and how is this sacred power sigel helping them?
Why are humanity so destructive and want ownership of everything ?
Why can they not discern friendly from hostile ?
I don’t know why I am saying this but a feeling of scrambling? has been done ?brainwaves ? And also gyroscopes not working ???
What do ee need to change within ?
I find this upsetting…
Dear Vanessa, when you scroll down in the in the post below, Almine said that Mars is 3rd chakra of the Solar system – Plahu
Healing self-abandonment through active subpersonalities
How do Humans travel from Earth to Mars?
Oh my goodeness. How terrible!! How exactly will this power sigil help the Ebens then?
🌸💞🌸💞🌸This one is certainly interesting! Thank you!🌸💞🌸💞🌸
I was thinking of MARS last month and I found myself becoming very sad and upset when I did. I now know why. Thank you for this message dear ones!. May this situation be “corrected” soon.
I’ve always thought that the Military Industrial Complex and the CIA and other hostile non-humans all working together, have been behind this. I am quite curious as to what is getting ready to happen next.