This Sigil of Power is an anonymous gift from a Beloved LightSister.
The Angelgod:
The Meaning:
In all things on Earth and with her creatures let the Infinite’s will be done: let none interfere with the mighty will of the Holy Creator. For all those who interfere with the Holy Mother’s will, be struck down in their arrogance. Let the Infinite reign supreme in all Holy Might and may the perfection of the authentic plan of the Creator be articulated in every way, without interference, and without distortion. Let it be so forever and ever.
~ The Seer Almine
Thank you for this gracious and generous gift. It is a beautiful and powerful sigil.💙
I am deeply grateful for the Power sigils that are created, and shared, however I have an earnest question in relation to the intent of this one! How can anything exist that is not Infinitely designed to be? …. I do not consider myself naive and I have a reverence for the understanding that Existence can be observed from ‘differing perspectives and depths/heights of Eternal aspects’, but I am experiencing difficulty with the sentiment of this sigil.
Is it a statement embodying the intent to move completely into the New Reality of expression, foregoing the expression of duality? as it feels to me that everything that exists must be serving a purpose of INfinite Intent – or it could not be?
Can I be bold and ask the Seer for clarity on this dilemma I am feeling?
Dear Sue, I’ve pondered on this as well. To me, it feels like the levels/layers of existence you spoke of. Many of the power sigils we receive are the same- for example the Uret Perastu device is for protection. But from who? Protectiveness should not exist within the Infinite. I feel that the gifts we receive are for those that believe they need them, perhaps they have not gained all the perception necessary to overcome the need for “protection” or the need to remember that the Infinite always reigns supreme.- whatever side of the imaginary fence they may be on.
thank you for sharing your gracious perspective Sunny – much appreciated.
This sigil is written in the language of the new reality. From the second Last Sunday Mass, the lemurian angels #19 and #20, reveal the significance and necessity of what this sigil does.
thank you for sharing Maria. LPGTH
Dear Sue, thank you for your boldness.
With deepest Gratitude for this Power Sigil in Reverence of The Infinite Holy Mother’s Will for our beloved Earth and all Her
Good thinking. Mega powerful. Felt it in our Zoom gathering even without having seen it. Very powerful. Much gratitude.
Incredible. Received in reverence and deep gratitude.
Thank You Beloved Almine
What a GREAT GIFT, like so many others!!
Guidance is Allways here!
Almine riding her magical charriot on high!
Whats holds gratitude??
Wow, indeed. I am stunned by this.
Thank you to the lightsister for this incredibly powerful sigil.
Abundant gratitude for this sacred power sigil. Thank you dearest light sister for sharing and Beloved Holy Mother for creating…May my will be aligned with Infinites will in all ways 🥰❤️
Deep Gratitude for this sacred PS many thanks!
It is powerful in Infinite ways
In Reverence to Beloved Holy ❤