This Sigil of Power is a gift from an anonymous, Beloved LightSister.
The Angelgod:
The Meaning:
If you wish to clean the environment of the pollution of microplastics, deal first with the root cause: the pollution of the waters of the Earth, and this shall gradually clear the land and the air, and the creatures of the planet. Clear thus the ocean first. There is a race of massive creatures that have managed to remain unseen in the deepest parts of the ocean. You know them as the descendants of Afxghelm the Magnificent. They remove oil from the waters of the sea. This day the requesting of this power sigil by one of the Goddesses among men has brought great blessing to Earth: from this day forth, these great creatures of the sea, will also be able to remove gasoline from the water table that has leaked in from cracks in the old gasoline containing tanks under gas-stations.
But the oceans’ microplastics must be removed from the waters by the Gods.
This is how: Absolute truth is hard to achieve, but in doing so, the microplastic particulates will disappear from the waters. Even the most diligent lightseekers and masters’ lives are riddled with little white lies. Every time your politeness hides real intent; every time you tell a child there is a Santa Claus; every time you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings by telling the truth, you are polluting your sanctity with little lies. Remove this habit of allowing good intentions to motivate untruth, and you shall clear the waters of microplastics.
You are mighty, oh Holy Ones of the Earth and even a small accomplishment changes life on Earth in a powerful way.
~ The Seer Almine
Sara Roshan says
wow… amazing and powerful awakening .. I am polite a lot of the time and that makes me feel uncomfortable so I stay away from the world as much as I can.. Now this sigil and angel god is here to help us . I am so deeply grateful for this sigil beloved Almine, Tina and the beautiful one who requested the sigil. LPG
Dhani says
So that’s the root cause! Brilliant. Gratitude.
Katherine Toy Miller says
For me the biggest deception is that the Original Ones and Almine appear to be human. It causes many awkward and deceptive situations.
Thank you to all of the Original Ones for all of the sigils!
Katherine Toy Miller says
And of course thank you so much to Almine and Tina for all the sigils!
SueB says
this is a profoundly beautiful, timely and wise PS and explanation. Thank you
A says
This is for me, for sure, I can’t bear hurting someone’s feelings, but this sigil is so true…I want to make others feel good, at my expense. I have felt this and it causes me such distress, and sadness that I can’t seem to be true all the time. I do have my moments when I do speak how I really feel, it isn’t easy, as many of us know.
With deep gratitude for this assistants.
Thank you for sharing this sigil with us dearest Goddess.
Much needed and appreciated.
Vanessa says
Thankyou so much for this….
I was speaking with a microbiologist yesterday and the very topic of conversation was this: microplastics…he says the problem now is that it is in the cells….re people…
So I am wondering by expressing absolute truth will this achieve that for humanity too or is a different power sigel needed ?