This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, wonderful Lightfamily member.
The meaning of the words:
“In the Etheric realms of this solar system, the Original Ones (Gods are they, though few there are that know that) are called the ‘Saviors of Iridana‘ (The Seer’s Notes: Iridana is the Angelic name for the Earth). For they have stayed and have not forsaken her, that she may survive what is to come. A Sun flare will reach the atmosphere of the planet, but in their surrendered trust, the Godbeings will be like lightning rods to ground such a solar event. And in this service, they shall fulfill that which they came for, and the Earth shall rejoice in their holiness. Fear not immortal ones. You have prepared for this day. And the Earth shall sustain you and cherish you in your mission.”
The Angelgods:
Menecherarat – The Angelgod who removes the ill-intended ones from Arulu (the hollow sun)
Trehimenesvi – The one who regulates the solar activity
Kelisperavu – The Angelgod of bringing harmlessness to solar flares
Erstavu-brivabech – The Angelgod to soothe the sun
Click here to download the PDF
Click here to download the PNG
Click here to download the sigil’s information PDF
Ever so grateful for this powerful sun sigil. For the angelgods and their assistance. For Almine and Light Family member gift of this!
Indeed the Sun behind the Sun behind the Sun influence and aid in this sigil here. ☀️☀️☀️ Central
Looking upon it has me feeling that we are looking at the doorway Home and this Sigil of Power holds the key. I am in awe. It’s power is phenomenal.
With Infinite Gratitude. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
WOW!! This is amazing!! Thank you dearest.
✨🌞✨For our beloved sun 🌞, thank you! ✨🌞✨
All of my messages these days are just “Wow”.. Thank you beloveds xxx Joanne 🌺
I’m actually crying!
So much Love Praise and Gratitude to the Beautiful One who has gifted us this incredible Gift …. Big Hug. And to dear Almine for all the work, and insights given within it, and to dear Tina for posting it.
My eternal gratitude for all of this beautiful support from everywhere!
So very very profound
It does bring a tear..
Much love and Gratitude 💖🌎🌈🦄
Deepest gratitude dearest Almine 🙏🏼 and to our donor 💝 I am so relieved to have the support this sigil and the Angelgods 🌞
Chills and goose-bumps…thank you to majestic one.
Thank You Almine 🙂 🙂 🙂
Our donor is certainly on top of the moment! Thank you 🌞
Reading the names and functions of the AngelGods, my impression is that working with this Sun Sigil IS the first phase of becoming lightning rods for this mission. It lightens the burden…*
* There was a song, in the 70s, sung by the New Troubadours I think: “My Burden is Light”.
My sincerest, deepest gratitude to our Beloved Almine and the sweet light family who are making these amazing gifts available for us. Yesterday’s message on Original Ones gave me a lot to reflect upon. For years I was getting sick and finally put two and two together around 2016, that I was getting migraines and nausea whenever there was a solar flare in progress (in real time…and it was very frequent with flares happening nearly daily). I have never been able to figure out the key to handling the symptoms, so the insight that resistance of life is the key to it…is a huge revelation that actually determines quality of physical life for me, and I can see it perfectly. When the sun went into minimum activity in 2018, I finally experienced some relief (and was able to make major life changes…like leaving a 19 year relationship/marriage that had been one of the things I had been resisting for a very long time!). Since the solar activity has started up over the past few months, I’ve been very uncomfortable again! This time I’m in a much better place and I have been working very diligently with many of Almine’s wonderful teachings and tools daily for a couple of years now…but now I see that the discomfort is from resistance of a different kind…coming out of my shell amongst other things which I will apply extra attention to… now that I know that is the key point to work on. I do know I’ll be amongst those who are strongly affected by a major solar event when it occurs, so I am SO PROFOUNDLY GRATEFUL for this knowledge, support and beautiful gift to prepare for it….and it is humbling to know it is a way to be of service. I will have a different perspective of the flares from now on. Thank you again dear light family! I’m one of the quiet ones in the back of the room usually unseen and unheard, but I am always sending my love and gratitude to you all for the good works you do, and the beautiful beings you are. <3
Welcome dear Kerri. Love and Hugs to you dear One.
Thank you for preparing us Dearest Almine. Words are not enough for us to express what you mean to us.
Unbelievable !!!! Thank You !!!!!