This Power Sigil is a free gift from a wonderful anonymous Lightfamily member.
The words mean:
Increased influence through embracing the value of all
The Seer’s explanation:
The Original Ones’ destiny is to alleviate the suffering of man and to assist with the evolution of life on Earth into spiritual maturity by living their lives in a wholesome way as a proxy for all life on Earth (including the Hidden Realms). But they have only been empowered to wield influence on one-half of life on Earth. In other words, the Original Ones have been using only half of their power. This gift of grace of the Original Ones being received by only half of life on Earth has caused an imbalance and a conflict within the planetary Inner Space; within the etheric body of the Earth. This sigil deals with the crux of the problem in order to restore the balance and fully empower the Original Ones.
The Crux of the imbalance on Earth:
The Original Ones gravitate towards the light. The light = an accumulation of existing knowledge through perception. They tend to avoid and shun the dark. The dark = the disintegration of previous knowledge(the light) in order to clear the way for new knowledge to come in. Because the Original Ones do not acknowledge the value of the keepers of the dark (demons), they wield no influence on the evolution of the Underworld and certain species on the planet that are regarded as hostile. It definitely does not mean that it’s necessary for the Godbeings on Earth to communicate or interact with these beings. But it is necessary to respect their role as keepers of density that else would cause tremendous destruction and chaos among humanity.
The task of the Original Ones is to raise the consciousness average on Earth, to a level that rises above the necessity of complete annihilation of life on the planet through a planetary cataclysm. They do this by respecting the purpose of all life forms but focusing on refining the expression of their own individual lives.
Note: Some power sigils have multiple Angelgods because there are multiple facets to what the sigil represents. Some power sigils like this one only have one mighty Angelgod, because the many purposes for which the sigil was created, all hinge on one crucial factor.
Click here to download the PDF.
Click here to download the PNG.
Power Sigil For The Peaceful Transition Of Mankind (Awakening Humanity)
Thank you so much Almine with this power sigil and insight. Thank you to the anonymous donor. Thank you Tina for posting.
I also Thank You All that participated with giving Us this Power Sigil. So so grateful. Bless Us All. 🙂
Infinite gratitude to the One who has gifted this to Us and to Almine for revealing such powerful and intense insights at this time.
We are so blessed.
Thank you so so much!!
Many Blessings to you !
Thanks a lot !
This is a beautiful and timely message. Deep gratitude for this sigil.
Since Gratitude, Praise and Love to the One who has gifted us this very precious powerful Sigil, and to Almine also for the insight given. It sort of makes sense when i pondered upon thiis insight – not acknowledging the keepers of the “dark Underworld & its demons” – in comparison to our own life experiences however very traumatic, very dark and so Very painful they may have been, by working through them on so many different levels – layer by layer, understanding their role, ending with each – complete Surrender, Unconditional Forgiveness Love and Compassion not only to our own Self (of how we reacted to it etc etc) but also to All those who played a part within it All. Am stlll processing the deeper level of the comment Almine made …. it is necessary to respect their role as keepers of density that else would “”” cause tremendous destruction and chaos among humanity””” – now that IS an enormous statement with all that has already / now been going on.
I omitted to add … Gratitude for the lessons given and learnt.
🌷🌷Thank you!🌷🌷
🌹Thank you so very much. 🙏
thank you Almine & generous Donor for this really valuable gift. To be in acceptance and reverence for all Life is the embracing of true Innocence, and to value all without judgement – is to be in Harmlessness – both essential perspectives for empowered Living and Life Mastery. LPGTH
How very wonderful. So glad we are able to do this for the underworld. 🙂
Very very greatful for this pertinent gift
May it bless our lives and all life’s
Thank you to everyone involved in the creation and sharing of this extremely important power sigil. 🌹
Immense gratitude to the donor and to Beloved Almine for the sigil and explanation.
Such abundant support emerging for us all to govern the Earth and assist Her in her recovery.
Thank you !!!
My Cup runneth over with deep appreciation, gratitude and praise to All.
Deep gratitude
love to sister Almine
our light family
AgaIN a profound message to us all and
I’ve been respectINg there role as keepers of density also seeINg the perfectiON IN all thINgs
I’ve seen some of the places where they reside
the feelINgs where VERY INtense
with all respect I stood my ground and
IN POWER by observINg them trhough the eyes
unconditional .. undifferentiated love
That doesn’t mean that the atrocities resONate ONly learned
AgaIN see the perfectiON IN all thINgs
Boundless love
Deeply Grateful ♥️🌎🙏
They tend to avoid and shun the dark. The dark = the disintegration of previous knowledge(the light) in order to clear the way for new knowledge to come in. – Would the avoiding of us not acknowledging our traumatic childhoods (gifts and lessons are hidden within the pain) also keep us from not stepping into our full empowerment?
How many of you use all of these power sigils?. There’s SO many.Are they effective right now just by coming through Almine and being possessed by us? I hope so.
Boy what a powerful and enlightening post. Half eh? That would make sense to me feeling wise. Africa and India seem to be healing in places which is a wonderful thing to feel after hundreds of years.
HOW would a master acknowledge the value of the keepers of the dark without endangering themselves because they’re so incredibly empathic?
Powerful gift, many blessings to you. Thank you
Wow–trust in our ability to bring about graceful change and great glad expectations!
Thank you for these precious insights, Almine, thank you to the generous donor, and thank you to Tina for all you do to facilitate all of this!
Almine’s post of December 30, 2021, also gives me trust and glad expectations!
The purpose of emergency preparation is self-confidence through strength building. I have made a commitment to myself to do something each day that makes me stronger and that builds the strength of others — even if it’s just seeing something of worth in another he or she may have to be encouraged to express. We are building the strength of the individual and creating a nurturing community to express in, in the midst of the confusion of a disintegrating society around us. Bounty comes in many forms. Having a wealth of skills and basic supplies is a nice feeling. Start studying some basic concepts of preparedness and make it fun and growth promoting.
Thanks & blessings to the generous, anonymous donor! This feels like a part of a wave of generosity, whereby one OO inspires another who inspires another in a lovely chain of “feel good” sharing! 🙏⭐️😇💞
I totally feel this too Selma. 💙
Yes, just that! It’s quite an ‘old’ concept really. My mother explained it to me when I was 12 or so, from her intuitive observation…of a sort of ‘quantum’ cause-effect that bypasses the linear…(she didn’t use that term, which wasn’t in circulation among lay-folk in the 50’s.)
Thank you for such a precious gift.
Yes, this is exactly how I feel. This is such a precious gift. Thank you.