May those who seek to control the future unfoldment of the destiny of this land, be guided to make only the highest choices for the well-being of this land and its inhabitants. May all that’s good for this land and its people be retained. And may all armaments and weaponry that lie buried and hidden beneath this land and in the oceans near this land, be removed and deactivated so that they not be used as a device of hostility or a reason for concern and protectiveness by arrogant neighbors and superpowers. May any attempts to seize control of this land lead only to peaceful solutions and not be viewed as a prelude to war. At no time shall actions and decisions concerning this part of the globe become a trigger point for destructive hostilities or be used as a pawn in the arrogance of ego-driven games of war.
Seer’s Note:
There are buried atomic weapons on the beach of Denmark, in the deep ocean trench near the coast of NE USA, and in abandoned American underground facilities under the snow of Greenland. The Greenland ones have been there since the Cold War and will soon leak and pollute the land.
This powersigil is a gift from ORIGINAL ONES
Incredible. Gratitude to the OO group.
Very grateful for such wonderful and powerful gifts.
A very timely and revelatory gift! Thank you for this share LPGTH
Thank you so much OO’s for this so timely Powersigil 🙏🏼. It is such blessing to receiv ♥️
Thank you OOs for such a Benevolent Gift!
Love the positive language used in the sigil.
May the OOs create more beneficial sigils.
Thank you for this PowerSigil. 🦋🙏
My deepest gratitude for this blessing for beautiful Greenland🙏💚
Love Praise Gratitude❤️
What a blessing for the beautiful land of Greenland !! Incredible !!
Gratitude to OOs
I love Greenland. For me it feels like the most Magical place. Be nice to keep it clean and safe🙏🏻
So Grateful for this true Gift of Care. ❤️❤️❤️