Message from Team Almine Russia
Dearest Lightfamily,
Just recently we received a significant reminder from The Seer. What would our lives be like if we just allowed ourselves to surrender to it? It is infinitely more than just a truth, a concept, or a piece of wisdom. It is The Way of Being.
“When you remember your origin, great joy is the result.”
– The Seer Almine
We are cordially invited to be a part of The International Alchemical Musical Ceremony. It is our Celebration of our At-One-ness with The Infinite! Great joy fills our hearts when we remind ourselves of our Holy Origin! We always express, manifest and experience what we celebrate!
More detailed information about Remembering Your Origin International Sacred Alchemical Musical Ceremony:
Dhani says
This is a great new musical alchemy. I enjoyed it very much!
Sarah says
The international site is super awesome! 😍