My teenager has just been diagnosed with ADHD. What natural product can I get him to help him be able to concentrate and relax his hyper tendencies in High School?
The Seer:
Manage his cortisol levels and reduce stress damage with the natural amino acid, Phosphorylated Serine (PS). This amino acid is important in the communication and activity of our brain cells and in repairing damage caused by stress. For many, it takes the edge off a stressful day and helps many achieve a better quality of sleep. Studies have shown its effectiveness in treating ADD and ADHD and replacing medications that are often harmful and not well tolerated.
I teach 12-year-olds and I am astonished at the high incidence of ADHD among my students. Why is it so prevalent?
The Seer:
It’s the result of the hours of gaming. The cortisol production acts as though they’re in a real fight and flight situation. This high tension level is not a healthy way to live. Stress is the primary cause of chronic diseases.
Intersting Beloved Almine thank you Tina
Thank you dear Almine. If only I could get my sister to take it now…..
Also adrenaline has a “numbing” effect in the brain. Chronic high levels of adrenaline (which is a long side coritsol) scorch the brain and the liver. I know caffeine (ex.energy drinks) does the same thing. Doctors are throwing ADD/ADHD diagnosis at people like it’s candy. I am envisioning a day when doctors start taking a more holistic approach to health and healing and stop playing guessing games with peoples health 🙂
Thankyou for this valuable information Almine deep gratitude 💖