Let us continue today with the Wisdom of the Lemurian Angels. After earlier posting parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, today we share installment 5. We will start where we left off last time, talking about the expressing of the black light angels and the existence of impurity.
Tip: Read all the earlier posts first to see this post in its proper perspective!
Hidden Insights of the Angels
13. No manifestation can occur directly from the individual creations of the Infinite. Any attempt to impose individual will creates a distorted overlay over the perfect pattern of ever-changing Infinite expression.
14. Distorted patterns (impurity) capture portions of Infinite Expression in a cage of illusion. The only manifestation an individuation can do is to release distortion, and reveal the true pattern (purity). All manifestation is the revelation of purity.
15. Yesterday’s pattern of Infinite Intent is not today’s unfolding expression. That which was once a pure pattern is now impure – even when released from its cage of illusion. It must therefore yield its original intended expression in favor of the expression of the moment.
16. The Sigil of Ameth (see post 2 in this series) bound the angels of the black light with a cage of illusion. Its seven shapes represent the illusions of the seven directions. The Sigil of Blahut (also see post 2 in this series) is the next step to releasing the cage and revealing the original pattern.
Stay tuned for our next installment where we go deeper into how the Sigil of Ameth worked and what effects these distortions had on the angels…
1st post of today
Thank you NIels:) Such a great blessing to have these insights posted.