Join us for the 5th episode of Anutiama: The Seer Almine. In this episode:
00:00 – 02:08 Intro / Rogier asks about the added benefit of the Rune webinar training
02:09 – 02:29 Sergey translates
02:30 – 12:07 Ella answers
12:08 – 13:02 Rogier asks about the psychology of Rune divination
13:03 – 14:25 Sergey translates
14:26 – 24:22 Ella answers: on angels and demons
24:23 – 25:11 Rogier asks about being alone in the cosmos
25:12 – 26:16 Sergey translates
26:17 – 36:31 Ella answers: on being alone in the cosmos
36:32 – 37:40 Rogier asks how Rune initiation will change you
37:41 – 38:04 Sergey translates
38:05 – 49:38 Ella answers: on becoming the whole cosmos
49:39 – 51:15 Outro
Learn more about Institute of Runes
Coming soon! Rune Initiations in North America
Элла, благодарю! Это было действительно прекрасно. Спасибо Роджер за очень важные вопросы. Огромная благодарность Сергею за великолепный перевод. Спасибо, что вы есть!
This dialogue is so powerful and timely. The importance of each one of us connecting to our inner world and intending to collectively manifest peace on earth as an expression of our hearts and unique beautiful perspectives is magnificent. I have profound gratitude for Almine, Ella, Sergei, Rogier and Jan for providing the opportunity to study the Runes and to perfect our inner lives.
большое спасибо за ваше разделение, Эллу, Sergey и Rogier. Я действительно с нетерпением жду участвовать в webinars.
Су Бэйрнс
thank you so much for sharing your personal journeys Rogier, Sergey and Ella! the questions are so timely from my perspective – big gratitude to you, esp., Rogier…for orchestrating these Q&A’s.
Thank You Rogier for the important questions you have asked, at the best time possible too. Thank you Sergey for the excellent translation. And as a student of Rune Institute I can say that as a teacher Ella is fantastic and makes the material clearly understandable and heartfelt. I am very thankful to her for the two courses and webinars that she has taught. She is absolutely AMAZING!
Very cute- Intro – Outro. 😉
Очень красиво говорит Элла. 🙂 У меня так много очистка сознания, в то время как я слушаю эти подкасты. Спасибо за великие вопросы Rogier и спасибо Сергей, без которых она не произойдет это легко для нас Английский ораторов. ?
Here’s the elink for translator:
Very nicely said Ella. 🙂
I’m having so much clearing of consciousness while I listen to these podcasts. Thanks for the great questions Rogier and thanks to Sergey, without whom it would not happen this easily for us English speakers. 😉