This is a preview of 22 Runes to be gifted to the Holy Ones during the June visit by the Angel god Elarimvael. They embody the Principles of Timelessness. Training in their application and use will be given at the Ohio Retreat. (Attendance space is limited. It’s the only retreat the Seer will be traveling out of town for during 2018.)
Almine in Ohio 2018 (Friday, July 20 – Sunday, July 22) Learn more→
Contact: Jan
I am officially signed up. Words fall short to express how blessed and honored and grateful I am to be able to attend the Ohio Retreat(s). Somehow, out of the entire world, I live in Columbus, Ohio at this time. And to the eternal delight of my inner child, each year the Retreat falls on my “birthday”. Oh joyous miracle! Thank you.
Its good to see new Runes, now we are in The White Light – Thank you my Angel
The Runes are groundbreaking to me in The form of they are supporting me to moove on – now I have a new hope – Thank you Almine and team
So totally awsome! So want to got to Ohio Retreat! Thank you Almine!
thankyou with all my heart