Recently a student contacted us with some comments regarding the dream symbology of sexuality as found in Almine’s Dream Dictionary. The Dream Dictionary, a free pdf download on our webstore on, offers age-old Toltec* dream symbols to assist with the interpretation of non-cognitive information found in both dreams and our daily environment.
Q. In the Dream Dictionary, there is a section titled, “Activity – Sexual.” The definitions for heterosexual sexual activity are about giving and receiving power, whereas the same-sex definitions seem to represent an unenlightened or biased philosophy regarding same-sex sexual partners – see the definitions below. Can you please explain?
- Heterosexual sex: receiving and giving power
- Homosexual (male) sex: desire to know one’s own maleness; feeling inadequate as a male
- Lesbian sex: desire to know one’s own femaleness; feeling inadequate about being a woman
Almine’s reply:
A good question to ask here is since when did you start identifying with a sexual preference? The programs that we use to hide our ‘unacceptable’ expressions, become the identities we most vehemently defend. This is something to consider. Self-love is the 1st step to identity-free mastery. My mission is to remove labels and identities, not to help reinforce them.
*Almine is a Toltec Nagual, a particular tradition of shamanism and spiritual mastery designed to assist in gaining freedom from illusion.
Patricia says
Almine’s response certainly also got me to ponder this, and it makes a lot of sense, as this applies to any role any of us may play and identify with in the matrix. It seems to me that the point here is that it does not matter what role we play in the matrix as long as we don’t identify our selves with it..via the illusion of ego identification. The issues occur in ego identification. The ego will always judge those who are different and will defend against those who judge. When we step out of this madness and neither judge nor defend, we can see the dream symbols for exactly what they are, tools to gain perspective, and not feel the need to be offended by or defend against them.
Greg Okulove says
Being a gay person, I do know what the questioner is getting at. But the only reason they point these things out (on the answers for light workers course) and have some uncertainty about this is because we are still in the matrix. When we are out of the matrix a little more fully, the need for an identity falls away. Then our true expression emerges.
Dhani says
What a wonderfully clear explanation. Thank you Almine.
Paris says
Wow. The last two post have really given me a lot to think about. They both have to do with extreme personal sovereignty. At first, I disagreed with Almine’s points, but after some consideration, I have recommitted myself to not voting and to releasing all sexual identity.