Here’s a sneak preview into Almine’s latest course “Answers for Lightworkers”, now live on
This October course is sooo powerful!! Her voice is taking my body where she is! This is some powerful alchemy happening. It’s dissolving all sorts of matrices! Wow! Great questions, so piercing, so revealing. Just amazing! ~ Dhani
Kiriras Agawavanti miruk helstat uheravasvi minuvash, isinat heretuk vasva. From the Infinite’s throne, the Gods of Source come forth, to share gifts of luminosity.
Dear Almine and Spiritual Journeys,
This message pertains to the audio clip called Sexuality and Religious Conspiracy.
At the conclusion of the audio, which I will allow you to listen to it then you may be able to follow the content of this message, Almine states a conditional statement that has the general formula of “As long as A, B and C occur then you will NOT a chance of bursting out of the box.” Almine’s conditional statement occurs at approximately 5 minutes into the audio. I recognize that this audio is more than two years old however I object to the conditional statement spoken by Almine and I recommend that an addendum be posted along with the Sexuality and Religious Conspiracy audio explaining that Almine’s conditional statement is obsolete and if followed has the potential to bring poltergeists into the life of the person who follows the conditional statement.
This is why I believe Almine’s conditional statement is obsolete. Her statement was a conditional statement and thus her
statement was essentially false and that is what I object to.
Conditional statements are inherently false and need not be dabbled in
in order to make a point about a subject matter. Almine could simply have chosen to phrase her statement utilizing different grammatical structure instead of utilizing a conditional statement. When I heard Almine speak her conditional statement my ENTIRE being shivered and that is how I was alerted to the obsolete-ness of Almine’s conditional statement. Almine’s conditional statement in my opinion
essentially created a black magic type spell when she chose to record the statement utilizing conditional grammatical conjugation. Let us not forget that in the One Life there are absolutely no limitations. A conditional statement is a limitation and thus it will NEVER be able to help the listener to burst out of the box because the statement is false and obsolete in its grammatical formulation. So my first reason for why I believe Almine’s statement is obsolete is that Almine spoke a conditional statement.
My second reason for why I believe Almine’s statement is obsolete comes from the audio clip played in the Awakening from the Dream radio show episode for August 18, 2012 (click here to see the radio show episode In the audio clip that comes from the Book of Gods and Men the Infinite One Life speaks. To listen go to exactly 8 minutes into the radio show and you will hear Infinite’s words. Infinite states that when one delves in life enhancing vs non life enhancing, one risks creating poltergeists, ghosts. Almine’s conditional statement pertains to what is life enhancing and what is not life enhancing. This is the reason why my entire being shivered when I heard the audio statement of Almine’s conditional statement.
In conclusion, I recommend that an addendum be put along with the Soundcloud audio clip and on the Almine Diary posting for Sept 27, 2012 the audio Sexuality and Religious Conspiracy. If a listener listens to Almine’s conditional statement and the listener applies it to his or her life, the possibility lies that the listener will create poltergeists/ghosts in their life experience because Almine spoke a conditional statement that decreed what is life enhancing vs not life enhancing and the listener has made the decision to follow the decree of what is life enhancing and what is not life enhancing from Almine’s conditional statement. In essence, the conditional statement spoken by Almine is a liability to the listener who is not yet at the level of mastery to abstain from all forms of judgement regarding life enhancing vs not life enhancing.
Niels and Mark were hosts for the August 18, 2012 Awakening from the Dream. I would like to thank Niels and Mark for airing the audio clip from the Book of Gods and Men on the radioshow and helping to shed light on the obsolete-ness of Almine’s conditional statement.
Have a delightful day!
May the Oneness that has had no beginning flow through me, enhancing life.
Adoration in Action,
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We often put up with the dysfunctional and the unacceptable as though we do not deserve better, thereby dishonoring the divinity that expresses through our life. -The Tone of Uncompromising Divinity, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Honoring diversity does not entail inviting those who embrace density into our lives. The difference in consciousness will produce discomfort for all involved. -The Tone of Honoring Diversity, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Greatness requires solitude. Mediocrity is fed by the communion of the masses. To be outstanding one cannot run with the pack. – Tone of Contented Solitude, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Genius continually surpasses itself. Effortless knowing is its vehicle. Do not hold on to past standards. -Shrihat Satva Yoga
The master practices and lives the wisdom he knows. The incorruptible one realizes there is nothing to know and with abandon allows life to unfold. – Alchemists Reflection Qi Vesta
Memory is that which perpetuates the mediocrity of the past.- Almine
Success and abundance are the only constants in life. – 136 Asanahu The 144 Principles of Abundance
Illusion falls away this moment without even an echo remaining.- Infinite’s Book of Life
Minach imnash uskave: I know nothing -Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death
Accepting the unacceptable is not saintly, it is dysfunctional – Almine
Dear Fortune,
We have forwarded your comment to Oregon. Perhaps Almine has the time to respond in-depth to your observation. Thank you for giving your insights and we will let you know as soon as we have an answer…
Team Almine
Gratitude to the Infinite
Pure pure and pure beautiful to experience the sexuality with nature
It brings tears and à way of make à alliance with nature and other beings around me,
With love Corrien