In middle to late February, Almine workshops are being organized in Russia and Ukraine. Marc and Niels will be sharing a wide variety of Almine’s teachings, focussed primarily on the topics of the Hadji-ka and the hefty subject of resurrection. Below is one a little peak into a subject they will discuss…
Goddess Archetype Bivinet-ashi – (formerly known as Au-ba-ri) – She who restores dynamic balance through adjusting emphasis. The knowledge that we change the outer world by adjusting the one within, is represented by this archetype.
This archetype used to be Au-Ba-Ri. ‘Audio:’ the ‘au’ is often used for ‘audio,’ ‘auditory,’ etc.: ‘She Who Listens.’ But this higher form of Au-Ba-Ri is ‘She Who Restores Dynamic Balance Through Adjusting Emphasis.’ The knowledge that we change the outer world by adjusting the one within is represented by this archetype.
Bivinet-ashi’s primary focus is to change the emphasis to make the individual being more empowered. It is true that the Infinite directs the music through the instruments, but yet we can play most exquisitely, like a Stradivarius violin; or we can play on a local fiddle that somebody made out of an old piece of wood. How are we going to play life? This is one of the choices that we have, and we also have a choice to change our environment, because it is a mirror. It becomes less of a mirror when we start to use it for our inspiration, using inspiration of that which we don’t like as an impetus for change, and using inspiration from that which we really enjoyed as a springboard from which we can create even greater things.
So she adjusts emphasis by listening selectively. She is still ‘One Who Listens,’ but she restores the balance by adjusting the emphasis.
You can use the names and sigils of these archetypes to help manifest their qualities in your own life. They are a way to step into a surrendered life. Where the normal manifestations of the feminine and the masculine in our lives is all about seeking control for the little self and never about surrender, these goddess and god archetypes are a way of living to promote trust in the benevolence of Infinite Live unfolding.
This information are but snippets from more detailed discussions and dissemination in Almine’s breathtaking online courses Walking with the Seer and Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way.
During the rest of February we will share a few more of the 18 gods and 16 goddess archetypes, so stay tuned to the blog…
Always love this one. 🙂
When I read this, my wonderful father, who was killed in a plane crash in 1987, smiled deeply within me. He was an electrical engineer who analyzed the balance aspect of large pieces of machinery (such as huge paper rollers, helicoptor propellers) using “vibration analysis.” He founded a company called “Electronic Dynamic Balancing Company.” He actally invented the machines he used to analyze the vibrational balance of large industrial machines and aircraft- this increased the efficiency and extended the lifetime of machines. He had a super-creative intelligence, and was humble, kind, fun, and cared deeply for people, especially poor/homeless people. Plus, he was fun and would laugh uproarously at times. He somehow embodied all of this as a person who talked very little, and was always asking others about themselves with true facination. I am happy to learn of this angel, and happy to carry my father’s wonderful smile and giggle in my heart….love, Sylvia xxxooooooxxx
That’s a beautiful memory. Thank you for sharing Sylvia.
Thank you for sharing this personal story with us, Sylvia. Happy giggling =D
Team Almine