Yesterday we shared a beautiful piece of Almine’s second book Journey to the Heart of God. You can read that post here. Well, you are in luck! We’ve got another inspirational piece from that same book lined up for you today.
Shining Your Light
Traditionally, it hasn’t been safe to let our light shine; to demonstrate too great a passion or too deep a joy. It has brought about persecution from the tribe whose lack of luster becomes apparent by comparison. Tribes exist everywhere people see the safety of uniformity and these groups reject that which cannot be controlled.
When confronted with anything superlative that lies beyond the status quo, the tribe has the uncomfortable choice of either living with excellence in their midst and feeling less by comparison, changing their own behavior to match the new standard or, alternatively,
to eject from the tribe the ones who excel.
Throughout history those who have demonstrated great passion or joy have been all too frequently ostracized and shunned. The great ones in our midst have found that more often than not, the price of greatness has been solitude. But to still our inner song to conform to mediocrity is psychological suicide. We have come too far through space and time to be the wayshowers of this planet, to allow ourselves to blend into the grayness of the unaware masses.
Surrounded by our own inner family, driven by passion and sustained by joy, let us with courage walk the path of a life well lived. Let us fulfill our destinies as light beacons unto the world.
Light the world,Let your light shine!!
Together we make a Light-World..:)