The Seer’s Notes regarding Shungite for drinking water:
Shungite is a natural carbon-containing material that is widely used in water treatment. Scientific research shows that Shungite has good adsorption properties towards various organic compounds and heavy metals, as well as exhibiting antibacterial properties. Unfortunately, at the same time, Shungite releases various chemical elements into the water, including heavy metals. In this study changes in concentration of various heavy metals during drinking water treatment with one commercial and one non-commercial Shungite sample were determined. Also, sorption of Cu(II) with an initial concentration of 2,500 μg/L onto Shungite was investigated. The results showed that various heavy metals like nickel, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc, chromium, and arsenic are leaching from Shungite into water. Lead and cadmium exceeded the maximum acceptable concentration in drinking water for a few days, but nickel exceeded for up to 2 weeks. At the same time, Shungite showed good adsorption properties towards copper. Nevertheless, before using Shungite in drinking water treatment, it would be advisable to assess the necessity and/or wash Shungite with larger volumes of water for a longer period of time than is written in the instructions.
On the other hand:
Elite (or Noble) Shungite is the rarest form of this mineral – it is found in less than 1% of all Shungite deposits. The most potent and efficient form of Shungite, Elite has a much higher percentage of organic carbon (up to 98%) with significantly more Fullerenes (a Fullerene is a molecule consisting of carbon atoms, which are powerful anti-oxidants and can purify water) than lower grades. It naturally helps to neutralize harmful contaminants, purify water and air, and provide powerful antioxidants and eliminate bad odor. Elite Shungite absorbs and holds up to 95% of polluting elements including heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, radon, and harmful microorganisms. The amount of organic chemicals and man-made substances in shungite water is close to zero.
The Seer’s Notes to reactivate your Shungite rocks:
Put them in the sun once every month for 12hours.
Change the stones at least once in 6 months, as they lose their filtering capacity with time.
From scientific studies presented to the UN:
“The adverse impact of 5G on health and environment are far more serious than popularly conceived the usage of 5G technologies leaves a severe impact on people’s health as well as the environment, and we seldom realize the intensity of this crisis.”
How to Make Elite Shungite Water
- Wash shungite stones under the tap water to get rid of dust, then put the stones in a bowl of water overnight, and rinse again before making water
- Infuse 50-70 grams of elite shungite stones per one liter of water
- Leave the stones in a jar for at least 24 hours and drink it fresh
- Cleanse the stones once a month to restore the filtering capacity
How to Use Elite Shungite Water
- Drink shungite water on a daily basis for detoxification & physical treatment
- Cook with shungite water to eat nutritious food, filled with vitamins
- Give shungite water to pets, they need clean water just like people
- Take a shungite water bath, apply shungite water on your skin to reduce inflammations and acne
- Water your plants to keep them healthy and beautiful
You just recently made the Power Sigil to Protect Against 5G. Is this sigil enough to protect our homes from the 5G damage by itself? I’m wondering because we are now promoting the Shungite, to have in our homes. I can understand wearing the Shungite when out and about (most people won’t laminate the 5G Sigil and put it in their shoes).. but is it necessary to have the Shungite in the home if we have the 5G Sigil in our homes?
The Seer:
The 5G Power Sigil is an important tool for the following reason: The Shungite has to be within a few inches from the body to be effective as protection. In other words, wearing it on your person is best. The sigil works on larger spaces and can work from under your bed or mattress. Using it under your chair or desk at work is an inconspicuous way to clear the space.
The top-grade (Elite) Shungite is used to purify water, the 5G power sigil placed under your grocery items purifies food. Reduced, laminated, the sigil in both your shoes helps clear the geopathic stress that comes from the wiring in floors and from the earth (underground streams, for instance, produce geopathic stress and arthritic type symptoms, according to Dr. Robert Jacobs from the UK (another mentor, now retired).
Dearest Tina and Almine, What a superb team you make. So so so helpful. Thank you. Heaps of Joyful Love Ali
Thank you for this much welcomed info, I ordered some elite shungite a couple of days ago, so much looking foward to recieving it. So what I am gathering here is that the elite is for water making and the regular shungite is for putting around the house , electrucal devices etc and forwearing . Is that correct ?
So once the shungite is rinsed and placed in the drinking water for 24 hours, can we leave it in the water and just drink the water as needed? Thanks.
Yes, Dhani, you can.
Almine & Tina,
Thanks SO much for this info I know some OOs in Toronto has lively discussions 1-2 weeks ago about Elite vs. other shungite, etc. Knowing how & when to clean or replace them is very helpful!
Also good to know I was on the right track when I started putting some small shungite pebbles in my water filter almost 3 years ago (along with a clear crystal).😇
People who work with elite shungite have said to put pieces by our TV’s and laptops, motem’s anywhere where there is emf waves coming from them. I’ve bought pyramid shungite and have one by my laptop, my motem and my television. I feel a difference for sure. But I also have pendants to wear.
Alex: yes, I’ve had pieces around my TV for years.
We’ve had some on our wifi box and mobile phones and the tablet for years. We’ve never had TV or microwave. The cooker & water heater are butane gas bottle refils from the supermarket. But we do keep some rough shungite in the door of the fridge. Not on the old washer though, it jiggles to much!.
My husband tried it today in his pocket when he went into town and noticed the energy shift. Interesting.
Barbara: wow, so interesting … and special you 2 way showers are! How cool that Harold feels a shift when he goes into town.
Wow!! Very very greatful!
OH this is so great. Thank you very much for this detailed expose on shungite and how to use it for making treated water with it. Super great!
Deep gratitude for this info, dear Almine and Tina!
Deepest Gratitude for these further great insights. I have bought mostly the elite Shungite together with one very BIG beautiful one that sits on the table here, and smaller ones to place in different rooms. I wear one plus have two in my bed. I was not drawn to making water with them – it may yet be on my list to do.