“I can go so much deeper with my lightfamily, if they let go of the questions and in Silence surrender themselves” ~ Almine
Silent Retreat Around the Corner
It might still seem far away, but Almine’s Silent Retreat 2013 is closer than you think! In about 1.5 months she will return to beautiful Killarney, Canada for her second retreat in total silence. Perhaps you are thinking of joining her but are not quite sure yet. To help you out, listen to what others said…
“Beyond Anything I Have Ever Seen”
Listen to these powerful testimonials of last year’s Silent Retreat and Summer Solstice Ceremony. Highly recommended listening:
Good Point!
Here are some other points to consider, shared by Helena, the facilitator of the retreat:
- – Many of the participants of last year’s Silent Retreat are coming back because of their profound experiences and the ongoing changes it has affected in their lives.
- – During four days of silence Almine performs hands on blessings on everyone each day. This alone is reason enough for many to attend.
- – It is a great opportunity to celebrate the Angel Elixirs Global Ceremony in a group setting. This ceremony starts on the last day of the retreat.
- – Location, location, location! The Silent Retreat is being held in Killarney, which is just staggering in its natural beauty…
- – Places are filling up quickly, so please make sure you secure your spot and register for the retreat as well as booking the accommodations. Helena can help you out with both. Tip: Do not wait to the very last day of the Early Bird price date (May 17) to register as we cannot guarantee the spot due to limited space and high interest of many people.
Find out more about the retreat here or contact our facilitator Helena directly: helena@almine.net
We are so looking forward to this one. For many participants, as well as those on Almine’s Team, this is the highlight of the year. We hope to meet you there!
Дорогая, Альмин! Думая о Вас, слушая Вас, меня переполняет огромное чувство любви к себе и ко всему тому, кто и что меня окружает. Я наконец то почувствовала настоящую любовь к себе и близким. Позвольте мне выразить Вам свою Любовь и Благодарность
Freely translated:
Honey, Almine! Thinking of you, listening to you, I am filled with a great sense of self-love, and to all who and what is around me. I finally felt real love for yourself and loved ones. Allow me to express my love and gratitude
Welcome to the blog, Larisa 🙂