A recent little gem from Almine’s weekly newsletter to start your week:
Practical tools for eliminating ego:
1. Claiming our ‘undesirable’ parts as parts of ourselves that have lost their ‘song’.
2. Releasing resentment against the pace of life. Our resentment indicates that ego wishes to keep control.
3. Living a surrendered life that knows that the folly of others should be observed (but not engaged) as the mirrors of areas within ourselves where we need to express the song of self.
4. Relinquishing all need to define ourselves and to be understood.
5. Ruthlessly eliminating the focus on what is not the way we want it to be – this only increases the illusion of lack.
6. Contemplating deeply the meaning of the great truth: “Nothing can ever be truly obsolete.”
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Patricia says
Yes, I love the succinctness of this summary! Oh I see now…in terms of loss. that makes complete sense. Thank you Niels! 😀
Patricia says
HI Niels, thank you so much for this.. However I have a question, I don’t get the last one. #6.? I thought everything becomes obsolete, in the fluid ever-changing flow… ?
Niels says
Hello Patricia,
You are welcome. It is a nice and succinct summary, wouldn’t you say?
As to your question, yes I can see how #6 seems to be conflicting with the idea of the ever changing newness of life, however, I do not think that Almine is talking about this (semantics problem).
She has recently been using the word “obsolete” for ideas of loss (best description that comes to me at the moment); things that are not expressing right now, the notes that are not being played right now. If you are a being as vast as the cosmos, nothing is truly ever obsolete, or lost, it is just not expressing at this moment because it is not the stage of the play for it to do so…
I hope this clarified things up a bit…
Team Almine