Prediction for the week of August 26 – September 01, 2012
As you allow yourself inactive times to just receive, surprising clarity will be the result. Live with this week with freedom from old memories of success and failure, and be prepared for small miracles everywhere.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of August 19 – August 25, 2012
This is a time when your perspective will vastly expand. Take still times to feel the non-cognitive guidance the larger vision will yield. It will reveal what adds to your journey and what does not.
As always, let us know if you have insights about this new prediction or how the old one played out in your life.
This weekend Marc and Niels from Awakening from the Dream are in Russia to give their combined workshop about the Atlantean Book of Angels and Becoming a Blessing by Going Beyond the Madness (based on Down the Rabbit Hole series). All this as a preparation on Almine’s trip to Russia this November.
If you want to, you can leave a little line in the comments to say hello to the students in Russia. We will let them know your messages. A fun little thing to connect with our light family all over the globe!
Well, this week has brought tremendous changes to the body. In anchoring frequency here on the North American continent, I am feeling the changes in my body. The energies were quite overwhelming at the start of the week and now they are becoming more stable as they integrate more fully with the physical body. So looks like the fusion process of body, soul and spirit is well under way now.
The small miracles that are happening have more to do with my senses now. The inner and outer senses becoming one. Almine spoke about how infants do not separate inner and outer senses. So for me, I am beginning to eat things I visualize and am feeling full in my physical body and energized. This is new for me. Also, I can visualize some pretty funky stuff like, protein bliss balls and strawberry, milky bubble tea with golden gelly that has super energy!
Dhani, this is fascinating — thank you for sharing!
and Yes… I can verify that prediction ….. Small Miracles happen to me every day !
Thank you Almine for your insights …
I’m Gratitude ! they all cherished …
A warm embrace from the New Atlantis to the New Lemuria!! May the Temples of Sea and Sky, Moon and Sun, unite in the grand benediction of our ever-fulfilled self-promise.
Also a big hello to Jill and Sergey and kudos for all their hard work in Russia. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
With love from Canada.
Hello to the light family in Russia! If you see, tell Olga I send my love and hugs! I am planning to go to Russia for the November Retreat! It will be a grand adventure! All my love, Lydia
Greetings to Students in Russia,
It is wonderful to have beautiful ones from all over the globe gather with our light family. Have a magnificent time with Marc & Niels. I know you will enjoy them as much as we enjoy them here.