Almine recently gave me a lot of information about Stalkers and Dreamers and I was curious as to its relevance at this moment. She stated the information was “just too good not to share”. You can download the new article by the Seer Almine, “An Illustration of the Problems and Solutions of the Interaction between Stalkers and Dreamers” here.
Question: Why did the theme of Stalkers and Dreamers emerge now that we’re working towards resurrection?
Almine’s Answer: A resurrected person has to be both a Stalker and a Dreamer. The result is a highly intuitive and organized individual. The short answer is: get to know and express both these aspects of yourself. To rearrange the way we approach our world is no small matter. Contemplate if you still feel dominant in relying on one approach more than another, become familiar within it, and learn to trust it.
Dear Almine , I am deeply greatful for all of the posts you share . I have been observing this issue with my son education and what is believed to be intelligent or clever . The school systems seeeem to be mainly logic based , this is quite difficult for a child who is dreamer based . Yes all must be balanced and expressed within through self change , which infact I had to meet with my sons french teacher today re.telephone call. My son mentioned how his teacher had shifted and seemed less harsh less antagonistic after our telephone call . I remember Almine giving specific angels to help people who were learning languages , if anyone who reads this knows where these sacred angels are I would be deeply greatful if they could share them as a being playing the role of a parent any assistance is always very deeply graetfully recieved . Much gratitude love praise and respect Vanessa
ha! was just discussing this last night with someone – and there it comes in. So much happening, so much shifting going on – thank you Almine – blessings are ours!
This is so wonderful. Thank you Almine and Jan for posting it here for all to see. 🙂