You can now also find Almine on Pinterest: A social network entirely devoted to sharing pictures. And we already have quite a few on there, like this one. Come and take a look here.
We are in the home stretch of Almine’s “Can I Get A Hug Now?” contest. All the testimonials have been entered. Now is your chance to see them all, comment and even vote on them. Almine takes the votes into account but will still choose her own winner. The winner of the meet and retreat with Almine will be announced on April the 14th.
See the entrees here.
Two new episodes of Awakening from the Dream. We hope you enjoy.
The Power of Silence 04/07/2012
In this all new show we are taking a good, hard look at the transformative power of silence. How is it connected to feelings of control and fear? And what does the illusion of guidance have to do with it? Listen and find out as Marc, Rogier en Niels probe the depths of silence and announce the first ever “Silence Retreat” with Almine. We finish the show with a great meditation by Almine… on silence.
The High Art of Rejuvenation 03/31/2012
Guided by the insights of Almine, we explore the possibility of infinite rejuvenation for the human body. What does it mean to rejuvenate? What are good practices? And what are the absolute no-no’s? Marc, Rogier and Niels investigate this very interesting topic from the viewpoint of the practical and the mystical. Not to be missed! Also, Almine joins us in audio clips and talks about the Sacred Fires, called Haji-ka, which tell of dragon magic, and of the baggage we want to take with us when we exit the matrix of duality. Testimonials, sound elixirs and more complete this riveting show.
The power of silence and the High Art of rejuvenation.
This sounds like the best is yet to come with Almine’s insights.Infinite rejuvenation of the human body and all that goes with releasing the baggage,I guess.
Cant wait for this one.Thanks in advance.
Simply cannot wait to hear all about Almine’s insights on these topics.Great excitement filtering through in anticipation.