I used to be clairvoyant and clairaudient but this changed almost overnight a couple of years ago.
During that spring I had at least six dreams about my mobile phone being either damaged by someone not visible to me or being stolen. In each of these dreams, I was very stressed about the loss of my phone because it meant I could no longer connect to my home and my family.
In most of these dreams, also my purse with all my money in it was stolen.
I tried to interpret my dreams with the help of the dream, dictionary and found that the telephone refers to interdimensional communication and the stolen money, represents power has been stolen.
I find it hard to figure out the why, by whom, and most importantly, how do I get my power back.
Can you please address the theme of ‘stolen power’ on the Diary?
The Seer:
There are two things that stole your ability to communicate inter-dimensionally by depleting the energy in the pineal and the pituitary gland:
1. The geopathic stress and hostile waveforms from your cell phone. Also radiation from television proximity and other appliances.
2. Essential trace metals deficiency.
“The essential trace metals iron, zinc, and copper have a significant physiological role in healthy brain development and function. Especially zinc is important for neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, synaptic transmission and plasticity, and neurite outgrowth.”
I would like to add that it’s essential to have enough selenium.
Additional Considerations:
1. Please go through the free questionnaire to see if you have Candida. If the gastrointestinal tract is coated with fungus (Candida Albertans), then absorption cannot take place. The Candida program will tell you how to go about repairing this.
2. The collagen fibers in meat use a great deal of energy to digest. Fish is far more beneficial. The Candida program teaches proper food combining — another vital consideration for preventing energy loss. The loss of ability you speak of is a direct result of loss of energy.
3. But the biggest cause of all for losing extra sensory abilities, is the formation of, or increase of, the internal dialog of the mind. The dialogue of the mind is due to the suppression of un recapitulated memories. It also results from resisting life — instead of living with surrendered trust.
A Lot Of Shortcomings Have Been Eliminated
Journey to the Heart of God (nine steps of recapitulation)
Thank you very much for the detailed answer, I really appreciate it!
I needed to read this. Thank you ❤️
Wow! Thank you so much for this!
Thank you so much for this clear information. 😘🌹
Good to know. Thank you for sharing this vital information.