We’re back in action here on Almine’s blog and we begin this week with insights from Almine’s Caribbean cruise retreat. The following little article is paraphrased from a part of Almine’s lecture during day 3 of the spiritual retreat. Enjoy!
Ascension Attitudes and the Fall
Love, praise and gratitude can be seen as attitudes, while on your spiritual journey. Attitudes are emotions coupled with perception. Don’t take them too lightly though, for they have a huge cosmic backstory.
- Gratitude is the attitude associated with physical life
- Love is for the soul world
- Praise is the attitude for the spirit world
In this grand cosmic game, physical life was formed first. It arose as a result of the lack of gratitude. This started with the Original Ones. They found something that gave the concept of more or less:ย There came a time when there was no gratitude within the Original Ones because they started to compare themselves to the Embodiment of the Infinite and thus judged themselves as ‘less than’.ย When the Infinite expressed, it assumed that there was gratitude by the Original Ones. Gratitude for their existence and their awareness of that existence. However, when they saw themselves as ‘less than’ and wanted to create on their own, instead of expressing the inspiration of the Infinite, gratitude was lost and a fall began – the formation of physical life.
This ingratitude was the source of the subsequent reflecting of humankind. A core characteristic is that humanity sees what is not there (seeing the glass as half empty) and identifies itself by what it is not. It judges through lack.
In this state, competitiveness arose within the Original Ones. This had as a result the withholding of recognition and acknowledgement of their Source, in the form of love, praise and gratitude. Also, the attitude of ‘proof to me your divinity’ towards Source reared its ugly head. This is still a big issue for some of the major light workers. A huge blessing comes to you when you acknowledge the Infinite with love, praise and gratitude and release the opposition to its Life flowing through you.
Instead of honoring, loving, praising and appreciating the Infinite, a portion of the Original Ones turned their attention to humankind and started to acknowledge them and tried to find love in their relationships, even though they are of a ‘later’ creation. The Original Ones eventually became captured and stuck within the human power games and matrices of control and relationships. In the end, they even forgot who they were…
This “fall” of no longer flowing with the Infinite but instead with the sub-creations of the matrix of duality, can be overcome by stopping to play the human games and by again starting to acknowledge the Infinite as the Source of your being. Rekindle that relationship through love, praise and gratitude (and of course surrendered trust).
In the post of February 7, 2014 on Iampresence.com, called “the human games” Almine shares a video in which she talks about the original ones, no longer stepping into the human games, artificial intelligence and the disc of life. If you want to have more in-depth knowledge about the above subject, human games and the artificial intelligence called the Anai-Asai (or ‘overseers of life’), this is definitely a video to check out. Go to I Am Presence here.
Niels says
Patricia says
oh man, so this whole mess IS our fault after all… ooopsie. Okay, good to have the clarification though and how to turn it around! ๐
Niels says
Well Patricia, I wouldn’t make it into such a black or white issue. For starters, I wouldn’t use the word ‘fault’… there is beauty in this game after all. Also, it wasn’t all the original ones.
If anything, I took this whole article as just another invitation to life my life with reverence to my source. To see the beauty in everyday experience and to be grateful of my awareness of it.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how we got here, but if we use the tools to live this moment as gloriously in awareness as we can, with our highest truth, so that the unimaginable can step in, in the next moment…
Anyways, that’s how I personally look at things… Thanks for commenting and allowing me to express in this manner ๐
Team Almine
Jane says
Wonderful perspective. Thank you. This is pretty much what I’ve been trying to live. It seems the only way. Even if I lose it, I just keep coming back to the attitudes every time, as the pillars of my existence within Infinite Life and expression, effortlessly keeping the door open…. to remember that there is no me (at least not the me I had thought) in a way.
I find the LPG sigils from the Belvaspata books to be so supportive in this. Hurrah!
Jane says
As for the human games, I have traced at least one huge game that I had felt victimised by, right back home (me) over the last few days. It’s quite a relief to give up the ghost.. and humour definitely arises as a lovely balm..
Patricia says
Oh Niels, I was being FUNNY….. thought YOU of all people would have caught my drift! ๐ hahahahaha … Truly, if someone were to say to me…”you know, all of creation has been relying on your state of mind…this whole time…” I would literally roll on the floor laughing.. and be like “well you better figure something else out cuz i’m not good with pressure! ” LOL..
Niels says
Nooooooooooooo! I’ve been duped! Had! Taken for a ride!
Perhaps I should take a good hard look to the taking yourself too seriously concept, what do you think? ๐
Patricia says
LOL…regardless…your sentiments were beautiful and I agree! ๐
Devapriya says
Very clearly expressed. Thank you Niels.
Niels says
My pleasure, Devapriya ๐