My husband always refers to the work I do with my Lightfamily as “witchcraft.”
This hurts my feelings but I’d like to know how to answer him.
The Seer:
People who want to injure and demean are usually not open to clarification. I doubt that any answer will persuade him otherwise.
But here’s a very superficial explanation:
Why are witches in legend and stories, always depicted as old and ugly? Most legends have a grain of truth somewhere.
Because witches work against universal laws, draining their own energy and lifeforce (and creating some very unpleasant karma for many lifetimes, because they try to enforce their will on life, and this disrupts the way the universal plan for life is supposed to flow).
Why are successful mystics youthful looking and often beautiful?
Because they cooperate with the way life unfolds and thereby harness the greatest power in the universe— the Infinite’s Intent. This creates an obstacle-free life where “bad things” don’t happen as a way of steering life.
You look very beautiful in your special outfit Jaylene,
as always! 🔮🎃🧙♀️
You could tell him that the word ‘witch’ means ‘Wise Woman’ – I believe Almine has shared that with us before. If he doesn’t like that tell him you’ll turn him into a frog! lol!
Yes, but then you’ll have to kiss a frog. Lol, That’s karma for you. 🐸💋
Does working with universal law mean that you employ karma as your ally? Or is this missing an insight? Is it controlling life to skillfully maneuver through other people’s ignorance (karma) to your own advantage. Or, is it controlling life to enlighten other people’s ignorance (karma) to your own advantage? It seems to me that any action not taken from infinite intent would accrue karma even if done so with so called good intentions? If our intention is align with infinite intent so bad things (so called) don’t happen. Couldn’t this also be a form of controlling life?
Can I “see” infinite intent? Does infinite intent have a story; or a label? Does it have a past or a future? Can infinite intent be defined? Can an individual be a tenant of infinite intent to be used to their advantage? Is the mind the source of inspiration?
This may be a superficial explanation, yet it is still a gem of truth. Thank you for this.
Nice explanation. Thank you.
I love It!!! Dearest Almine and team 🌼🌹🌼🌹🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸