This is the sound healing project that Almine completed in November 2014. Continue reading→
How To Conquer Life
It also means to be passionate about the adventure of life and joyous about its ever-revealing wonders. Continue reading→
Celebration OF Magic – 12
Photo by Irina N. (Moscow, Russia)
The only place we can experience life directly is in timelessness. Continue reading→
The Seer Explains
She poses a question to herself before going to sleep the night before, and then receives the answer during the Dreamtime. Continue reading→
Where Would The Seer Go?
I would no longer experience life or death from a form of matter or of soul. Continue reading→
To The Mother’s Among Our Lightfamily
Happy Mother’s Day Continue reading→
I Am Home
This Sigil of Power was created to welcome you home to yourself, with the deep knowing that the Infinite is always with you. Continue reading→
Anchoring Reference Points
Inner reference points of passion and inspiration, on the other hand, allow us to grow and mature by providing fluid reference points and movable anchors. Continue reading→
Almine Works With The Oils
Our Beloved Almine was in today, working on creating Personalized Blend oils, and other Fragrance Alchemy oils, for you. Continue reading→
Two Aspects To Consider
Therefore, I am glad to be able to clarify the ethical and legal aspects of sharing my work. Continue reading→