Is there a spiritual or other significant reason these derailments are happening? Continue reading→
Look At Humanity With A Poetic Perspective
What could the Original Ones focus on with their Belvaspata and other tools during this chaotic time on Earth? Continue reading→
You Are Made Of Holy Material
Over the years I’ve been asked by Original Ones why some humans are more perfect specimens than the Gods. Continue reading→
The Portal That Opened
A similar situation has recently happened (as I described in my previous text about the crude people that have arrived in the midst of humanity). Continue reading→
Unrefined Appearance
This has caused the average level of consciousness of humanity, to lower. Continue reading→
What’s Good And Right
Choosing to learn through mistakes, is their right. Continue reading→
Otherworldly Creatures
Because humanity’s assemblage points determines what reality they experience, the world around us will reflect the assemblage point position of the masses. Continue reading→
The Gift Awaiting Humanity
This is the gift awaiting humanity along its journey of evolution. Continue reading→