…a great famine of 2 1/2 years shall follow 2 1/2 years of plenty. Continue reading→
Then Shall The Bringers Of Light Be Called Upon To Stand Forth
“.. and in that day of great travail, the race of man shall come under attack and threat of extinction in a silent war that few shall see. Continue reading→
A Mitigated Future
This prophecy says that America’s abuse of power shall cause the central government to break into seven pieces. Continue reading→
One Will Arise
…one will arise that will do many miracles and he shall mislead even the very elect with the signs and wonders he will do… Continue reading→
Romney and the Mormon Agenda
Join us in a little chat we had with Almine as she indulges our curiosity regarding the 2012 presidential elections. She discloses the connection between candidate Romney and the larger agenda at hand, including the possible fulfillment of a Mormon prophecy.