She poses a question to herself before going to sleep the night before, and then receives the answer during the Dreamtime. Continue reading→
Where Would The Seer Go?
I would no longer experience life or death from a form of matter or of soul. Continue reading→
Angels or Angel Gods
It’s like a sanctuary that has been made for you —your personal Angels just have to remind you that it’s yours to live from. Continue reading→
Translations of Personal Sigils
Is the Seer going to be willing to translate the words on my Personal Sigil of Power too? Continue reading→
The Seer Suggests Yogurt
An 8-ounce glass of yogurt has an antibiotic value equal to fourteen penicillin units. Continue reading→
Happy Easter To My Lightfamily!
Happy Easter to My Lightfamily! Continue reading→
There Is Nothing To Defend
A luminous Being as vast as the cosmos has nothing to explain. Born of the innocence of the Infinite’s pure intent, there is nothing to defend. ~ The Seer Almine
Understanding the Language of Your Personal Sigil of Power
In examining your personal sigil of power, you will find three elements they seem to have in common. Each power sigil seems to have: A message of intent written in a Holy Language, a negative space (a blackout area), and a grid area (a lined area). Continue reading→
The Seer Explains Why The Fragrance Oils Changed
QUESTION: Why have your oils changed, from the original oils you used to sell? We’re referring to your older oils from Egypt. We’d like an explanation to give to our customers please. ANSWER: Blending the oils to meet the demands of changing realities, and to allow the wearer to gracefully transition to higher levels of existence,… Continue reading→