Can you please explain why I’m not able to visit a nearby town without various unpleasant feelings that make me turn around? There seems to be a Tangible Sphere of Holy Presence around our town. I have noticed the area in which I absolutely feel with the deepest senses, the “special flavor” of the Infinite’s Holy Field of Being, just east of our town. That Special Flavor, dimmed as I entered the neighboring town so noticeably, that I became extremely nauseous and almost had to pull the car over. I had to turn around and leave the town immediately. As I drove about 2 miles I felt This Sphere like a Sacred Balm wash over me, and the nausea completely disappeared.
The Seer:
My family is experiencing the same feelings of nausea as they leave and go into public. The Holy Ones of the Earth are existing at a different level of reality and as they engage in Love, Praise and Gratitude on a daily basis (as I know you do) their Holy Sanctuary grows big enough to engulf their town. This helps prevent natural disasters in the area in which they live. When they also engage in Trust, the sanctuary grows stronger and larger yet. I have experienced this fragrant bubble (yes, it has a slight fragrance) particularly after previous retreats held in my town. This is a good time to establish and focus on a holy base of peace and extend it with the light explosion protocol around the town.
Yes, that’s wonderful. I do not wonder out of my bubble as it encompasses my home and work and anywhere I shop in-between. π
Beautiful Devapriya.
Thank you for your prescence on the earth and your experience i feel the same way that our enviroment is protected because of the colorring Almine gave us.
With warm regards Corrien.
I used to feel lucky and grateful for choosing places where to live that didn’t experience catastrophic weather events (compared to nearby places). Now I start to believe that it’s my presence in this little village that makes it immune from relevant weather events….