You said that at least within the next 5 years the West Coast will be safe, and now, pertaining to Cairo and Egypt again the 5-year time is mentioned. May there be some important global events coming in next 5 years or are we going through some wrinkle in time?
The Seer:
I’ve also noticed the 5 year time period being mentioned a lot. It seems that the period between 2028 and 2032 is a time of great destructuring. Especially financially and in terms of runaway inflation.
Alex says
Unless the original ones change the timeline. I’m not worried. So many things have been foreseen and never come to pass because you’re here.
Rich Hawken says
I thought the West Coast will “not” be safe by 2028?
Dhani says
Oh boy…..I hope our practices will help curb this projected trend….
SueB says
ditto LPGTH