If the alchemical equation of gratitude, love, and praise is for a higher reality, what is the difference in the result of adding them in the way Belvaspata practitioners do: Praise, love, and gratitude?
What is the alchemical result of adding Praise, Love, Gratitude, Trust, and Hope?
What about the result of adding love, praise, gratitude, trust, and surrender?
Where do we find the surrender sigil?
The Seer:
• Gratitude, Love, Praise =
The equation to lift physical experiences to a different and higher reality; to rise above the reality of the masses to a reality where miracles are possible.
• The Belvaspata order of doing the sigils of Praise, Love, Gratitude =
This order of doing the sigils lifts the patient — the one who the Belvaspata practitioner is working on—into a reality in which their ailments don’t exist.
• If the Belvaspata practitioner adds the sigils for Trust and Hope to Praise, Love, and Gratitude, the additional element of raising the patient’s perspective and enhancing the patient’s perception occurs.
• Surrender should not be treated as a separate attitude with its own sigil, since it is part of Trust. In fact, it is the result of the attitude of Trust.
Seer’s Notes: The attitude of surrender has been misunderstood by lightseekers through the ages: it does not imply that we should surrender to the power mongers and tyrants; it is not godlike to meekly accept the unacceptable.
How do the Holy Ones deal with the unacceptable?
• By remembering who you are and the power this entails “Be still, and know that ye are Gods.”
• Through the use of proxy magic by changing your own life into one of wholesomeness.
• By turning challenges into insight through examining the lessons and fluidly embracing the new perspectives the challenge offers
• By creating heaven on earth in your own personal sanctuary by thinking only the most beautiful thoughts possible
~ The Seer Almine
Thank you, beloved Almine and Tina, for these invaluable insights.
Thank you. Lovely. How wonderful.
This is the best explanation I have heard yet. Thank you!
…thinking only the most beautiful thoughts possible…a great task!
What a timely guidance… !!!!!
I agree Christel. Deepest Gratitude to you dearest Almine, and to you dear Tina for posting this.
Alchemy – the foundational miracle of the adventure… many thanks for the subtle variational explanations x
It’s hard for me to know what the heck is happening these days.