To the Original Ones; you are undoubtedly the Holiest Beings in existence — other than the Uncomparable. You don’t need to try and be holy, or do important things — what’s holy or important in the eyes of the unreal, matters not at all. It’s within your palette of expression to be silly, or funny, or playful or childlike. If it were not, these expressions would not be mirrored in the unreal world around you which has been created as the mirror in which you find yourself. ~The Seer Almine
The Anchor Within:
Messages from the Seer
What is the significance of the Anchor Group being initiated by a few of the Original Ones, and not by you?
When I create a healing oil for somebody, there is usually something that the person receiving the oil, has to do for themselves in cooperation with the healing that I do through the oil. This signals the universe that they are ready and willing to heal, and are prepared to do their part.
The very large changes that are being made to the way existence is unfolding, demands that the gods and goddesses of existence restore individuated expression to one of grace, innocence wholesomeness, and lightheartedness. The commitment to bringing life back to balance and contented enjoyment, is being declared to the universe by you. You are doing your part to state your willingness to heal the expression of life. It is necessary to do your part, and support each other in making these life’s changes.
I am proud of you, and the courage and devotion with which you walk this journey.
When we dismiss the playful, silly parts of ourselves as frivolous, and focus instead on deep metaphysical insights in the name of spiritual growth only, we manifest unpleasant results. Even though we may have forgotten how to be childlike and innocently play, if it is present within, it is authentic. To deny its expression, is to manifest the scar tissue of distorted illusion in our environment to take its place. ~The Seer Almine
To get your ring and join the group, please contact Tina at: or call (541) 867-3322
Please be sure to include your mailing address!
Learn more about The Anchor Within on the October edition of Awakening from the Dream.
It feels like this message is talking directly to me, I cooperate with what unfolds and participate when guided but don’t seem to find a playground or playmates to share the laughter. That is puzzling me trying to get the perception necessary to move on. And I wish for a temple somewhere far away in nature to refuge. Thank you for this message
This is so timely for me. Hugs.
Effortless. Reading and feeling these words feels so effortless. It’s like a lot of you are just…’floating’ up into higher and higher stages. A quick and natural feeling.
Amazing amazing amazing!
Oh i just love being silly, it comes so natural to me, i just roll over with laughter so often and others do so in my company , its such a wonderful sound, laughter !