Thank you so much to those who attended the Belgium retreat this past weekend and to those who went through their own energetic process while connecting with that retreat. But a few of the things we learned:
To seize the existence of the false parts of ourselves (the external manifestation of body, soul, and the two levels of spirit) we worked with the perspectives that were no longer expressing within us, that externalized them to begin with. These perspectives are:
- The Sense of Adventure (for the masculine part of Spirit)
- The Eternal Perspective (for the feminine part of Spirit)
- The Poetic Perspective (for the Soul)
- Wonderment (for the Body)
Those are the perspectives to be lived, to no longer need externalizations of your being, and their accompanying opposition. To accompany these perspectives, we add the communication to be able to have these different layers of our being properly talk to one another. These communications take place in the form of the combined ascension attitudes of Love, Praise, Gratitude and Trust.
When one lives these 4 attitudes as one, you end linear time within the body and step into exponential time.
Yes… we’ve been busy during the Belgium retreat.
“Thank you all so much for joining us at this sacred event. Eons of time have led you up to this moment, to within yourself change and so change all of life around you as the next step of Infinite Unfoldment. My love for you cannot be captured in words.” ~ Almine
The Belgium retreat was for me pristine and holy. Mother gave all of us a new breath of life and passed on the mantel of eternal light into our hands. As a new born child my heart opened with awareness of and the deepest trust in Mothers love. Thank you…
For me this retreat was a well of deeply nourishing communion and innocent playfulness. The group was large, but yet the content and contact were very personal. Almine composed, played and directed an extraordinary symphony of vast range and varying moods, at once stimulating and soothing, serious and fun, metaphysical and practical. Niels’ translation also added an extra note, as he and Almine created a fun ambiance which belied the enormous scope and depth of the content they shared with us.
The 7 breaths exercise, shared with us daily by Surin from Denmark, was very profound, as was the Aranash Suba yoga lead by Dave from the Netherlands. These practices brought deep, deep peace and timelessness to our large group. Thank you guys for your dedication and elegant leadership.
The organisation of the retreat was flawless. The dedication and devotion of Willy, Rina and their students was evident everywhere: in the venue, decoration, music, food and the great hospitality that was extended to foreign participants.
Deepest love, praise, gratitude and trust to all my fellow participants.
I love you, Almine. Thank you for the boundless gifts you share.
All glory to the Infinite One lIfe for all Eternity.
Beautiful written, Jane…
My gratitude is not explainable in words. It was wonderful. Thanks dear Almine.
LPGT. Thea
With a lot of Gratitude and Love for beloved Almine