We are on a roll! After yesterday’s post here, and the day before yesterday’s post here, today we will again post just pure wisdom. Enjoy.
Our bodies are doorways to all directions. When the directions come home to the heart, life reveals itself. We are the door of everything that lives. Man makes mirrors for himself with his mind. Then he fights these mirrors. When he awaits in stillness, all life comes to him and the mirrors are no more. Only then can he see life as it really is.
This post called “The Doorway” brought to mind guidance I had received a while ago when in quiet prayer. A voice within told me that I am the door. Of course, the thought of this causes me to feel so expanded. Almine’s work and this post by Niels is validation for me. I feel so much love for her and for her students, whom I have listened to in the podcasts. Yet, I must admit, when I am in density, all the teachings seem miles and miles away, and even sound ludicrous. I suppose this is normal, at first. I am all too aware that I feel frightened to let go of how I see the world — that if I do I might dissolve — and then who will I be?
Perhaps you will then be in a place where the questions “who am I”, just stops being an issue… better yet… doesn’t even come to mind any more.
Just a thought.
Team Almine
Diane, I found your comment about dissolving so interesting that we discussed it on a new New Paradigms through Ancient Records radio show.
You can listen to it here
I will, indeed, listen.Thank you, Niels!