The world around us can only be changed without karmic repercussions if we change it indirectly. If we try and change it directly, we are trying to force our will onto the ever changing flow of existence. This is, in the broadest sense, a form of black magic – no matter how well intended we are. There are two types of karmic chains we can wear: The iron chains of hurtful deeds, and the golden chains of good deeds. Good deeds stem from the arrogance of thinking that we can fix life.
Trying to change your circumstances directly is often not very successful. One who tries to master lucid dreaming, knows that when you try to study an object directly in the dream, you are immediately pulled into another part of the dream. The dream changes from direct focus. The outcome of scientific experiments change, depending on which scientist is doing the experiment.
Trying to change something that alters when you focus on it is therefore not effective. There are two approaches to change the environment:
1) To capture circumstances and enforce changes on it, using an external power source. This is called first ring magic, or black magic. It creates karmic repercussions because it dams up the flow of life, and because all of life is interconnected, causes stress and pain (forced change) somewhere in life.
2) The indirect approach, allows life to unfold, but eliminates those factors that cause obstruction through emphasizing something else. The shift of emphasis changes the outcome indirectly. This is second ring magic.
Personal power decreases when we try and force our will (resistance) onto life, and when we become dependent on external power sources, such as various allies. Personal power increases through the use of second ring magic, or the indirect principles of manifestation.
Changing the world to a reality of more graceful unfolding has been a quest for lightworkers. Yet many have shunned the study of how to achieve the power necessary for a beneficial contribution. Power has been feared as something that can pollute their purity, and thus it has been left in the hands of the ill intended. Mastering the impeccable use of personal power is essential for those who wish to contribute to a better world.
Read part two here.
From Almine’s upcoming Messages from the Angels III that will soon come to
On the evolution of power…
Fantastic, loved this. Any thoughts on fertility? My feelings are that I will conceive when I am truly receptive to it, thus I keep clear of fertility medications. It would seem that all the women I have come across are popping pills and hormone injections, IVF; would this be forcing one’s will?
Thanks for sharing, second ring magic with us Almine & team ;o)
With love, Sophia.